His first day of school

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The determination to keep people around me happy, that's what drives me forward.

"So how excited are you?!" Nilu asked Asriel as they were on their way to Toriel's school.

"Well I don't know I have never been to a school before." replied Asriel wearing bright green shirt and blue jeans.

"I think that after a few days you will agree with me." Nilu said filled with determination and wearing a dark blue shirt and her stripped skirt.

"We will see about that." Asriel replied with his bright smile.

"You know I never mentioned it before but you are quite handsome." Nilu said and blushed a little.

"Thanks." muttered Asriel after a while clearly thrown of guard with such a sentence.

"You have grown from that cute little crybaby I met seven years ago." she said.

"Expect for the cute part." she added quickly

Asriel just smiled clearly embarrased by her compliments. They continued until they finally reached the familiar building of Toriel's school.

"Oh my god I finally realized it." suddenly Nilu yelled.

"What did you realized?" asked Asriel curiously as they were walking through the courtyard of the school lined with lime-tree.

"That the school looks exactly like the one fromMew Mew: Kissy Cutie Highschool Edition." she proclaimed triumphaly.

"That sounds like anime." Asriel said.

"Because it is one of Alphys's most favorite ones." she added.

"Let's go visit her" Nilu said.

"Ok and where is she?"

"She always hangs out around chemistry audatorium so that is our best bet." she explained as they opened the huge door leading inside the school.

They walked through the corridors of the school for a while before they finally stumbled across the door leading to the chemistry audatorium. Nilu opened the door and saw Alphys sitting at the teacher's desk grading exams.

"Hi Alphys how are you?" Nilu asked and smiled at her.

"Hi Nilu I didn't expect you here." Alphys said quietly and clearly blushing.

"I was just grading some exams here because I never had time yesterday, because Undyne rushed in and said we are going to the cinema... and .... and .... and." Alphys mumbled out really fast.

"Calm down, deep breaths." Nilu said and started breathing deeply so that Alphys could mimic her.

"Thank you." she muttered after a while.

"Anyway this is Asriel my best friend." Nilu said and gestured towards Asriel standing next to her.

"Hi nice to meet you." said Asriel and smiled at Alphys.

"I heard a lot about you from Toriel, it's nice to finally meet you." Alphys said and smiled.

"Anyway Nilu I would like to congratulate you." Alphys said as she looked through her papers.

"On what?" Nilu asked confused.

"On acing that last chemistry test." Alphys explained as she put out one single paper from her pile.

"No way!" Nilu yelled out.

"Yes everything without a single mistake." Alphys added.

"I don't understand what are you talking about." Asriel suddenly said from behind them.

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