Spear of surprise

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"I wonder what have they been discussing." I say into the phone which I hold between my ear and shoulder as I mix the spaghetti inside the pot with boiling water.

"Maybe they want to surprise you." answers Alphys on the phone.

"I know, but everytime he leaves I feel lonely." I proclaim sadly as I adjust the water temperature.

"What about Toriel? I thought she would be eager to spent some time with you." Alphys asks me.

"I sent her to bed after I caught her cooking. I mean she just recovered from a near-death experience and she runs around the house cleaning and acts like she has to do everything. I mean where does she even get the energy?" I say very quickly and I hear Alphys giggle a little bit.

"And how are you doing, Alphys?" I ask her after my long speech.

"I am fine, the only thing I am struggling with are weekly anime episodes releases." She sighes sadly.

"I know the feeling." I whisper.

"By the way how is Undyne doing?"

"She mentioned something about fetching a sparring partner." Alphys says and I laugh a bit.

"Wonder, who that poor soul is." I wonder as I turn off the stove. I freeze as I hear loud noises of someone using the front door as a punching bag.

"Nilu? Are you still there?" Alphys asks me. I sigh.

"Sorry Alphys, but something came up. Something totally unexpected just happened and I have to deal with it." I say as I grab my black hoodie from the chair in the dining room.

"She is banging at your door isn't she?" Alphys deadpanned.

"Sorry got to go, bye Al!" I hang up on her as I walk towards the front door. I quickly open them and I immediately duck avoiding the incoming punch.

"There is a reason for that doorbell, you know." I say from the ground. Undyne stares at me with her spear in her hand.

"I heard you were lonely so I came to cheer you up!" She says as her angry expression turns into a smile. I get up from the ground and she throws me one of her spears.

"And you are giving me one of your spears because?" I ask hear as I easily catch the spear

"You are lonely and I need a sparring partner! It is a win-win situation!" She says with her goofy smile that reminds me of Papyrus.

"Papyrus put you up to this didn't he?"

"Yeah, he did, but that doesn't mean I was against it!" she yells in her defense. I smile and I strike her with a spear. She summons another one and easily blocks my attack.

"Let's do this!" I yell out.

Some time later.......

Toriel opens her eyes and she slowly gets up from her bed. She stretches and walks towards the window. She opens the window and looks outside. She gasps when she notices Undyne and Nilu in the garden. Both sweating as they dance around the garden and their spears sending sparks into the air as they rapidly collide with each other. She quickly runs downstairs and exits the house. She sees Sans and Alphys sitting near a small table peacefully drinking tea as they watch the two of them fight.

"Sans, what is happening? Why are Undyne and Nilu fighting?" Toriel asks worried.

"don't worry about them Tori, it's just a friendly competition." Sans says and Alphys laughs at his comment.

"Yeah... they have been going at it four a few hours already and no injuries so far, if you don't count bruises that is." Alphys says and takes a sip of her tea. Toriel sits on a chair next to Sans and continues to watch the even battle between Undyne and Nilu.

"We should stop the at some point or we are going to be sitting here until tomorrow." Alphys says as she watches Nilu fluidly parry Undyne's attacks.

"yeah that is a good idea." Sans says lazily.

"Yeah.." Alphys replies.

"But you know maybe they will stop at their own?" Alphys asks hopefully.

"Is that all you got!" Nilu taunts Undyne as she moves on the offensive.

"Bring it Punk!" Undyne yells as their charge against each other. The two spears crash sparks furiously flying through the air. As they push the spears to their limit cracks can be heard through the air. Suddenly both spears shatter to pieces and Nilu and Undyne fall on the ground. Nilu gets up from the grass and wipes the sweat of her forehead.

"Whew that was quite a workout." She sighes and extends her hand towards Undyne. She grabs it and stands up.

"Yeah we should do this more often, even I am tired and that is saying something." Undyne says and clenches her hand into a fist. I do the same and we fist bump.

"damn that kid has sure come a long way."

"She sure did." Toriel says and looks at Nilu with mother's pride. 

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