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"Oww, that hurts." I sigh as I slowly massage the area around my elbow.

"Hey, you were the one that was super determined. I mean you wanted to stop when you dropped from exhaustion." Asriel mutters under his breath as he continues to carry me back to the cabin.

"I was trying to be a badass moment for once!" I hiss at him.

"What got you so worked up anyway? I mean you looked really deep in thought and then suddenly you stood up looking as if the whole world depended on you." Asriel asks me as he opens the wooden door of the cabin.

"Flashbacks, Asriel flashbacks." I explain as he closes the door behind us.

"Ok... and does it have anything to do with that nightmare you had last night?" He asks me as he sets me down on the black couch.

"Yeah, it does actually." I admit looking down on my bruised palms.

"Listen if you don't want to talk about it's fine I understand, but I want you to know that I am here for you. So whenever you need someone to talk to I'll listen." Asriel tells me and turns to leave.

"Wait." I grasp his hand and I look at him.

"Don't leave, Asriel." I say as I pull him towards me. He sits next to me on the couch.

"So, will you tell me?" He asks me and I nod.

"Last night I had a nightmare. And you were in it, well your younger self at least." I tell him as I recall that memory. He nods and gestures me to continue eager to hear what I saw.

"You were crying. I wanted to comfort you so I approached your younger self. He apologized for the things he had done as a flower and when I wanted to hug him he......he......he scattered into golden petals. And I just sat there as the wind blew away the one that matters the most to me. But I wasn't left alone before she approached me." I say honestly Asriel listening to my every word. He places his hand on my shoulder and comforts me.

"She was quite tall and looked around her thirties even though she was wearing a white fox mask I thought that I know who she is. Those long black hair of hers. I am sure of it I met her before. But even though I can't remember who she is, I know one thing for sure. She will be back and next time I meet her we won't be having a pleasant conversation." I finish my story and Asriel hugs me and starts stroking my raven black hair.

"Remember, what I promised?" he asks me and I nod-

"That you will stay with me forever." I whisper into the void of the living room.

"That's right and I intend to keep that promise no matter what happens." Asriel says and continues to gently stroke my black hair.


"Yes, Nilu?"

"Do you want to know my name?"

"Sure, I have wanted to ask, but I couldn't think of how to do it." He smiles nervously.

"Ravenheart, Nilu Ravenheart." I whisper into his ear and he smiles.

"That is a beautiful name." Asriel says and kisses me on the forehead.

"You really think so?" I ask him not believing his words.

"Of course." he says and I cuddle closer to him.

"Thank you." I whisper as I close my eyes, my head resting on his face.

"You should rest now, you used way too much magic in one day."

"I'll gladly follow that advice."

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