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"Wow, I never imagined I would be back on a wheelchair so soon." I say and my stomach growls loudly.

"You must really be hungry." Asriel says from the kitchen area.

"A mix of hungry, weak and tired."

"Well, after a two weeks of coma I thinks that's understandable." I reply from the dining table.

"Man, I really wish that I could eat while in bed." I sigh winking at Asriel.

"You want breakfast in bed." Asriel says as he looks at me.

"Well, I was only hinting, buuut when you put it that way."

"Here, you go." Asriel says as he places a plate of pancakes before me.


"Yeah you said they were the only thing that rivals Mom's cinnamon-butterscotch pie. Go ahead." Asriel says smiling at me with his bright loveable smile.

"You are the one. Itadakimasu!" I start devouring the delicious blueberry pancakes.

"So delicious! Right now I could die happy."

"Looks like you are starting to get your strength back, you are a ball of energy again." Asriel smiles at me as the brightness of his smile shines through my very soul.

"You two are just a-a-adorable." Alphys, sitting right next to me this whole time, says nervously.

"Well, if a man makes pancakes for you in the morning you know he is the one." I say and Asriel kisses me on the forehead.

"You make it sound like it's my only redeeming quality." Asriel says as he ruffles my hair.

"Whew, looks like this summer is going to be pretty hot." Alphys says as she takes of her lab coat. Only now I notice her pink shirt underneath with cute anime characters ann the title of the show they are from.

"Puella magi Madoka magica, is it good?" I ask Alphys as I point at her shirt.

"Yeah, I mean so far I have only seen like two episodes, but it's a magical girls anime. It's cute and happy." Alphys says and I think to myself that maybe I should give it a go.

Suddenly the door burst open as Undyne, Toriel and Papyrus rush in. I close my eyes bracing for impact. Asriel quickly steps out of the way. They pull me into a massive group hug.

"Oh Nilu, when I heard that there was a chance that you would never wake up...." Toriel starts shedding tears of joy.

"I NEVER STOPPED BELIEVING IN YOUR RECOVERY!" Papyrus yells as he cries like a little child.

"Don't you ever do that again punk! You scared the crap out of us!" Undyne says as she continues to crush my bones with the help of Toriel and Papyrus.

"Tell us my child? What were you doing, that caused you all that harm?" Toriel asks me.

"That's a quite a long story and it's kinda pointless to explain since it doesn't matter anymore." I smile at her.

A convenient time skip later.......

"This spring was certaintly eventful." I say as Asriel pushes my wheelchair right next to the lime-tree that I first confessed my feelings.

"I am sure it was." Asriel agrees as he helps me onto the grass from the wheelchair.

"But, the best thing happened right here." I look at Asriel and he smiles at me. I lean closer and he pulls me into a passionate kiss. The wind blows and the sweet scent of the blooming lime- tree assaults my senses.

"Oh, that reminds me I wanted to return this to you." Asriel says as he takes out my half of the necklace that he has gotten me on my birthday.

"My necklace!?" I say as I instinctively reach out to my neck to find it missing.

"When I found you unconscious you were holding in your hand with the chain severed, so I got it repaired." Asriel says smiling as he puts it around my neck, where it belongs.

"Thank you." I thank him from the bottom of my heart and I hug my Fluffy adorable badass.

"Don't mention it. Anyway there was one more thing that I wanted to do." Asriel says and kneels in front of me.


"Look Nilu, even though we are dating for only two months now, I know that from the bottom of my heart I love you." Asriel confesses and pulls out a small box from his pocket.

"And when we become older. I wanted to know your answer to one question." Asriel says slowly opening the box.

"Will you marry me?" He asks as he reveals a plain golden ring inside the box. I look at the ring and Asriel completely shocked. A single tear streams down my face.

"Yes..yes I will." I whisper as I hold back tears. Asriel smiles with pure happiness and hugs me again.

And that's how it ends. From a happy beginning, through horrifying middle ground until the happy finale. After my answer peace and happiness returned to our lives. A savior of the Underground living happily with it's prince. A match made in heaven. As time passed we graduated and our love for each other only growing stronger. It all started with return and feelings that were unknown to me. But the conclusion was worth all the suffering along the way. I could keep telling you about our love. But that is another story for another time.


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