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Asriel carries me across the vast grassland that surrounds the hill. I keep smiling at him. He smiles st me brightly.

"I am sorry." I say sadly my smile dissappearing from my face.

"What are you talking about?" Asriel asks me confused as he stops walking.

"I am sorry for always being such a burden." I explain slowly.

"You are not a burden. I love spending time with you. And I love you Nilu." Asriel says as the breeze gently plays with my black hair.

I revel in his embrace as he carries me. I snuggle closer to him feeling him breathe.

"Is this paradise?" I say out loud.

"It certaintly feels like one." Asriel answers as he looks into the distance.

"It's really nice today." he says after a moment of silence.

"It sure is." I answer snuggling closer.

"Can this be our happy ending?" I ask Asriel as I look at him.

"Do you want it to be?" Asriel asks me. Tears start streaming down my eyes.

"Yes I do." I say happily crying.

"Wait, why are you crying? Please don't tell me I did something wrong." Asriel starts to panic. I giggle at a god-like being panicking.

"I am just happy dummy." I say as I kiss him on a cheek. He sighs in relief and starts heading towards the lime-tree.

Once there he puts me down on the blanket and lies right next to me. I cuddle next to him as he puts his arm around me. Sunlight shining at us through the gaps between the branches.

"I love you Asriel." I whisper before falling asleep.

"I love you too Nilu." he replies and kisses me on the forehead.

I open my eyes to reveal the familiar sky of my mind. I stand up and I look through the pure water below me. No blood, no bodies. I sigh in relief as I look around my mindscape. Suddenly Chara appears before me again.

"Well things are really looking up for you Nilu." She says quite amused.

"What's funny?" I ask her.

"Nothing, I was just remembering how we killed his parents,you know good times." Chara replies laughing.

"Shut up!" I yell at her.

"You want me to shut up?" Chara asks me as she comes closer to me until we are only inches apart.

"Then make me." she says and starts smiling.

"Okay." I say calmly as I clench my fist.

I swing my fist and I punch her right in the face. She lets out a surprised yelp and is sent flying. She stands up from surface of the water small stream of blood coming from her lip. She looks at me and smile once again. A knife appears in her hand and she charges at me. She swing her knife at my head. I duck in time and with a roundhouse kick I knock her on the ground. The knife falls from her hand and sinks into the bottomless dephts of my mind.

"How are you doing this?" She asks me as she slowly starts getting up.

"I don't know I just believed."

"Bullsh*t!" She yells at me as she stands up.

Rainbow light starts enveloping me and I feel power flowing through my whole body acompanied by a familiar feeling of safety and happiness. I look at my hands to see a star forming in them.

"It's time for you to leave." I say determined as I fire the star at Chara.

"You think this will stop me?! I will be back stronger than ever! And I will end this world you hear me?!" She yells at me as her face hideously deforms and the star hits her.

"When the time comes I will be waiting." I say quietly as I watch her dissapear. The rainbow light exits my body and disperses through my mindscape. I smile as I see it fade away before my eyes.

I open my eyes once again. I realize I am still under the lime-tree. But according to the sunset it has been few hours since I feel asleep. I smile as I feel Asriel's hand ruffling my hair.

"You know you look really cute when you sleep." Asriel tells me.

"Thank you." I say as I reward him with another passionate kiss. After a while of lying together in each other's embrace Asriel breaks the silence.

"You know we should get going or mom will be worried." He says with a hint sadness in his voice.

"I hate to ask you but could you help me get on my wheelchair." I say shyly.

"Sure." Asriel replies as he lifts me from the ground and gets me on my wheelchair.

"Thank you for everything Asriel." I whisper into his ear smiling brightly.

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