An idylic breakfast

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I slowly open my eyes. My head resting on his chest and I feel it move as he breathes. He continues to sleep peacefully his arm wrapped around my body as if he wanted to keep me closer. I smile at the thought of him trying to protect me even while he sleeps. I carefully reach out to grab my phone from the nightstand next to my bed. I look at the bright display. 10:45. 

Wow we really overslept, haven't we?

I smile as I put the phone back on the nightstand. Feeling the warmth of his fur, his arm around my back. Funny because at first I thought it was just a highschool crush, but as he cared for me during my time in a wheelchair I finally understood what those feelings were. Love a desire to be with someone special to you, the desire to make them happy and to share their happiness, desire to keep them safe no matter the cost. Love doesn't necessarily have to be nice, sometimes it is cruel as the one you love is ripped away from you and there is nothing you can do about it. I am getting poetic aren't I? I went from describing my feelings to defining love. I close my eyes and I continue to enjoy the moment a little bit. Suddenly I feel Asriel shift. I open my eyes and I smile at him. He looks back at me and kisses me on the forehead.

"Have you slept well?" I whisper as we continue to cuddle in my comfortable bed.

"You have no idea." He replies and yawns.

"I slept like an angel. I swear you make my sleep ten times better." I say quietly as I make my fluffy adorable badass blush.

"So, how about we get up and go for some late breakfast?" Asriel suggests and as soon as he says the word breakfast I hear my stomach growl.

"That sounds great." I say and I get up from the bed alongside him. We slowly exit the room as we head towards the kitchen. As we near the kitchen a delicious smell assaults my nose. We enter the kitchen and I see Toriel happily humming a melody of a song playing on the radio as she dances around the kitchen cooking lunch. I see Sans sitting at the dining table reading newspaper sitting in front of him is Alphys typing something on her small computer. 

"Good morning, you two!" Toriel greets us energetically while still focusing on the cooking.

"Good morning." I reply with a smile. I walk to the fridge and I take out the carton of milk. After obtaining a cup I quickly move to the dining table. 

"Good morning." I greet the two of them as I sit next to Alphys.

"Oh good morning Nilu!" Alphys smiles at me as she gazes away from the computer screen.

"good mornin." Sans replies still focusing on the computer screen.

"So Al, what brings you here this early?" I ask her as I pour myself a cup of milk.

"Undyne is teaching Papyrus how to cook again so for safety purposes I am seeking shelter here, I even moved my most prized treasures to the guest room!" she says and laughs nervously.

"I can't even imagine what are they doing right now. What a poor kitchen." I say in sympathy as I place my hand on her shoulder.

"I know I really liked that kitchen." Alphys nods sadly,

"Oh come on it can't be that bad, right?" Asriel says as he brings in two plates of cinnamon-butterscotch pie, he sits down next to me and gives me one plate with a spoon.

"Aww, thank you!" I kiss Asriel on a cheek and he laughs.

"OTP." Alphys whispers to herself as her attentions returns to her notebook.

"So what are you working on Al?" I ask Alphys as I enjoy the taste of Toriel's art in my mouth.

"Just preparing a presentation for your next chemistry class." She smiles and keeps typing.

"Chemistry another place with scary numbers and letters." I shiver in fear and Asriel nervously smiles.

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