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"Well it sure was nice while it lasted." Asriel sighs and I smile at his reaction.

"Yeah, I'll miss our little escapades." I wink at Asriel and he smiles nervously.

"Who says we couldn't you know try them at home. We already sleep in one bed."

"Because a certain Goat mom armed with a rocket laucher always obliterates our privacy." I sigh sadly.

"Yeah you are probably right." Asriel agrees with me and suddenly lifts me from the ground.

"H-hey Azzy, what are you doing?" I ask him as he holds me tight in his embrace.

"We are flying." He proclaims and starts ascending. In a blink of an eye we are soaring through the sky at high speeds.

"Give me a warning next time!!!" I yell out as I hold myself to him as close as I can. I keep my eyes closed as I feel the wind pushing against my back. I keep them closed for what feels like eternity. Suddenly the pressure of the wind stops and I open my eyes. Asriel slowly descends right in front of our house. I jump out of his arms and I sit on the ground panting.

"Sorry... was that too fast?" Asriel asks me as he kneels down and places his hand on my shoulder.

"Too fast!? I thought I was going to die!?" I complain loudly. Asriel looks at me with sad eyes and I immediately feel guilty for complaining. I quickly hug him.

"And you nag me and Mom about puppy eyes, you should have seen yourself right now." I whisper into his ear and he lets out a giggle.

"We should probably go inside." Asriel says breaking the hug.

"Yeah you are probably right." I say, but I feel a sudden shift in the wind. Alerted I look behind us on the street, but there is no one there.

"Nilu you okay?" Asriel asks me as he reaches for the doorknob.

"Yeah, just go ahead I'll be right behind you Azzy." I smile at him reassuringly and he enters the house. I turn around and I take a few steps into the empty street. The wind blows through the street and I close my eyes. I open them again and the whole street is filled with men and women wearing white animal masks and dressed in long black cloaks each equipped with a different weapon. Amongst the crowd I recognize Fox, she smiles with a warm motherly smile. I stand there completely stunned, but before I manage to even scream for help the whole crowd erupted into cherry blossoms.

"Well that's over." I sigh as I head inside the house opening the door I can already hear Toriel mining information out of Asriel.

"Oooh and fire magic too?!" She asks like an excited child.

"Yes Mom even the fire magic." Asriel replies calmly and smiles.

"I am so proud of you, my child ... I mean Nilu." Toriel says as she hugs me.

"Hi Mom, nice to see you again." I reply as I hug her back.

"Welcome home you two."

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