A crash that severed our bond

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I run to the kitchen completely excited. I jump around the kitchen area as I think of what I should cook. After five minutes the an idea finally comes to my mind. I quickly pull out the toaster and I start to gather ingredients. Cheese, ketchup, butter and all the other good things that according to me you can stuff into a toast. As I turn around I notice Chara standing behind me. I yell from surprise and she just laughs.

"Hah, you should have seen your face, you looked like you saw a ghost. Oh wait that is right you did." she laughs and leans against the wall.

"Tell me Nilu when was the last time you SAVED?" she asks me as she starts to play with her long brown hair. I reach out to my save file. I see the date of Asriel's rebirth.

"Well it doesn't matter. I just wanted to say that you should really save now. Because things are going to get interesting really soon. Trust me it will be very amusing." Chara laughs one final time before she vanishes.

"Wow, that is one way to ruin a morning." I mutter out as I SAVE.

"Nilu? Is everything okay?" Asriel asks me as he enters the kitchen wearing his striped shirt.

"Oh don't worry it's nothing I just saw a spider." I lie to Asriel as I place the ingredients next to the toaster.

"Did you really yell because of a spider?" he asks me and looks at me with disbelief.

"What is so surprising about that!? Spiders are scary! And he was crawling on the kitchen corner!" I yell at him.

"Okay, all I am saying is that I heard you fought Muffet and from what Dad told me she even sent a giant man-eating spider against you and didn't even flinch so... it's kinda hard to believe." Asriel says and smiles at me again.

"That was different." I mutter out as I recall that "fight".

A few hours later........

"Oh look is that a stray kitten?!" I yell out as we see a small abandoned cat on the sideways. I quickly run to the kitten. I pet it and it purrs as she enjoys my treatment.

"Looks like it likes you." Asriel says when he catches up to me.

"Yeah, but don't worry I am sure you are way better for cuddling than it is."

"But she is more adorable. Just kidding." I add and I laugh leaving Asriel blushing. The kitten starts to run away.

"Hey wait!" I yell at it as I run after it and Asriel chases after me. Eventually the cat runs across the street. I run after it stepping into the road completely ignoring the traffic light that just flashed deep red. It's too late as I notice a huge truck from the corner of my eye. I try to use my magic to stop the truck, but for some reason I can't. Suddenly something pushes me from behind. As if the time slowed I fly through the air as I see Asriel smiling at me before the truck hits him. I land on the cold pavement. I quickly get up and I just stand there horrified as my eyes can't believe what I am seeing. Asriel's body covered in his blood and broken with cuts and bruises lies there on the road. I feel my knees go weak as I collapse on the pavement. Tears rolling from my eyes. I start to sob and I smash my head against the pavement with such force that my forehead starts bleeding. Crying I call out his name as loud as I can.


But nobody answered.

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