A confession under a lime-tree.

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Asriel pushes my wheelchair back to my room. He puts me by my desk and exits the room in order for me to change. I reach for the pile of clothes that lies on my wooden chair. With some problem I manage to put on my gray pants. I feel pain each time I touch my legs, but I am glad, because it reminds me that I still have them. I take off my black shirt in which I usually sleep. I carefully put on my blue shirt with pink stripes. Then I place a black hoodie on my lap. I call out to Asriel. He opens the door and smiles at me. He then pushes my wheelchair into the hallway. I smile at him as he closes the door. After I wait for a moment he re-emerges wearing his black pants and green shirt with yellow stripes. We head outside. He opens the door for me in order to get me outside. When he pushes my wheelchair outside into the early noon. Suddenly he stops and I can hear him facepalm. Before I can ask what is wrong he runs back inside the house. When he returns he has a bag on his back and a basket in his hand. He places the basket on my lap and smiles at me.

"Are we going to have a picnic?" I ask filled with curiousity as I examine the basket.

"Yeah I thought that you could get some fresh air because, ever since that accident you never had a chance to go outside." He explains and I smile at his concern.

"Thank you it means a lot." I reply blushing.

"What do you mean?" Asriel asks me confused.

"Sorry for holding you back, if I wasn't in this condition you would be spending time with that girl you like right?" I say quietly and Asriel blushes when I mention that girl.

"Don't worry about it! For now let's just focus on having a good time okay?" He asks me and I reply with a smile.

After a while we reach the top of a hill. There is a lonely lime-tree growing right in the middle of nowhere. Asriel sets his backpack down and unzips it. He takes out a nice violet blanket. He places it on the ground. He then pulls me up with his arms and carries me to it. He carefully puts me down as I lie down comfortable. He puts the basket on the blanket in front of me. I relax in the shade of the lime-tree as I listen to the sound of the wind circling through the branches of the tree. The beautiful scent of it's blooming fills the air. We spent some time under the tree chatting about school and life occasionally making some Sans-quality puns. After a while we eat lunch that Asriel packed. It turns out to be sandwiches with some pieces of leftover cake. After we finish eating I finally gather enough courage to finally tell him. I lean against the tree for support as I start slowly standing up. Sharp pain flows through my body each time I move. Enduring the agony I manage to stand up. I feel weak already. When Asriel sees what I am doing he immediately stands up and rushes to my side. As I stand there I look deeply into his beautiful eyes. As if the world stopped I finally say the sentence I always wanted to say.

"Asriel....... I love you."

He looks at me with his mouth open clearly in shock. When he doesn't reply I continue.

"I love you, but if you don't love me back I understand." I say sadly tears starting to form in my eyes. Asriel doesn't say anything and places his hand on my cheek. He smiles at me and the comes closer to me. Our faces are only inches apart. And then he kisses me on the lips. I stare at him very surprised.

"I love you too." he replies and smiles at me and I can see him blushing from embarrasment.

"But why?" I ask Asriel.

"You are beautiful, nice, kind and caring, what is there not to love?" He simply says and I smile wiping the tears off my face.

Asriel and I start kissing passionately. As the soft breeze flies right by us. We pull apart in order to breathe. I kneel down exhausted from overusing my legs. Asriel picks me up bridal style as be carries me to my wheelchair.

"I am happy." I whisper into his ear while he carries me.

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