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I quess I understand now. What I have to do. Under a bright moon I will... end this.

"Asriel, could you please sleep in your own bed tonight? I am not feeling well, and I don't want you to get sick." I say faking a cough.

Sorry for deceiving you!

"If that is what you want. Good night Nilu." Asriel smiles and turns off the lights and goes to sleep. I wait patiently into the night as he finally falls asleep. I get up from my bed and as quietly as possible I open my wardrobe. Carefully taking out a long black trenchcoat with a hood along with my everyday clothes. I quickly put everything on and I leave the room feeling like a badass.

Who knew I would use it beyond Halloween.

I quickly sneak towards the front entrance through the dark hallway. As I reach the front door, I put on my shoes and I unlock the door. Stepping outside I notice one of Undyne's spears leaning on one of the house's walls. I take it in my hand as I run out on the street. I sprint through the streets until I am a block away from my home. I stop in my tracks and I take a deep breath. Suddenly the night breeze ruffles my black hair and I sharpen my senses. The atmosphere becomes more intense and I notice the masks appearing all around me. The Fox leaves the safety of the crowd and approaches me.

"So you come to face us?" She asks me in an emotionless voice.

"It's the only thing that I have left." I reply looking at the crowd with a determined expression. The energy starts filling my left hand as I conjure up my sword.

Everything I know. Everything Asriel taught me. Every single piece of magic and determination in my body. I will use it all, to crush you.

"I know exactly what you are thinking. You want to crush us. But the question remains. Are you ready to face the mistakes of your past?" She asks me as the rest of the crowd unsheathes their swords. The swords range from heavy longswords to slim and elegant rapiers.

"I have faced the mistakes of my past, the suffering that I caused, the tears that were shed because of me, the families that I broke, the people I slaughtered. I regret it! And I know that each time I reset the regret get's only worse!" I yell at her angrily as they continue to stare at me without emotion.

"I see." She says looking deep in thought. She points her hand at me and the few of the masks from the crowd rush at me. I throw Undyne's spear, effectively shattering one of the attacker's masks. Suddenly memories start flowing through.

"Hey you are Nilu, right? Wanna play hide and seek with us?" A young blonde-haired boy asks me with a energetic smile as the memory fades away. I stop in my tracks as the masks surround me.

"Wow...... right in the kokoro." I say as the masks resume their attack. I dodge a longsword coming from the right. I counterattack slashing the mask in half.

"Mommie? What's an idiot? Is it food? Does it taste good?" I ask my Mom as she prepares the dinner. She laughs out loud as my younger self wonders why is she smilling.

A sword slashes me across the back. I yell out in pain as the strike sends me to the ground. I gather up magic in my right hand, I wave it in the air sending the masks soar through the sky. I grip Undyne's spear lying next to me as I manage to get on my knees. I let out a roar stabbing one of the masks around me. He dissappears as his mask breaks into a thousand pieces.

"It's your fault she died!" My father's booming voice echoes through the space of the currently replaying memory. I quickly swing the bright blue spear managing to take down another two masks.

"My name is Toriel. Caretaker of the ruins." She smiles at me kind and loving smile.

"sup kiddo." Sans greets me as I walk through Snowdin. As I snap back to reality a rapier pierces the skin on my shoulder. I cry out in pain as I feel the blood flowing under my trenchcoat. The cry of pain turns into a roar of anger as I charge the crowd. With a flurry of strikes I eliminate another group of masks.

"IT IS I GREAT PAPYRUS!" Papyrus yells as he almost "jumpscares" me.

"Let's have a cooking lesson!" Undyne yells aggresively as she throws me to the kitchen area of her undeground home.

"Would y-y-you m-m-maybe want to watch some anime with me?" Alphys asks shyly blushing furiously.

"Who needs arms with legs like these?" Mettaton moans as he dances.

"It's nice day outside, flowers are blooming, birds are singing....." Asgore says sadly.

"Chara? Are you there? It's me. Your bestfriend. ASRIEL DREEMURR!"

Exhausted I grip Undyne's spear in my hand. I laugh as the masks keep me surrounded as if their numbers were endless.

"It looks like you were ready to face us, but not prepared enough to defeat us." The Fox says coldly as she reemerges from the crowd. As soon as she says that I slowly walk towards her. She unsheathes her sword and stabs me right through the stomach. The pain rushes through my whole body as the cold blade rests in inside me. I take a step forward wincing in pain as more of it enters me. I grip the hand holding the blade. The Fox keeps staring at me with an unchanged look. A surge of strenght flows through me as my Determination fuses with Asriel's magic in my blood. My sclera turns bright yellow and my Iris turns black. Black markings appear on my face and I look at now trembling Fox.

"Hyperdeath." I whisper as I grab her mask. She desperately tries to escape, but I hold her tight. I crush her mask into billion pieces. A last memory plays out in my mind.

"I love you too, Nilu." Asriel smiles at me before he gently kisses me on the lips under the blooming lime-tree.

I stand alone in the middle of the street. The wound on my back and stomach heals itself. Feeling completely exhausted I leave my Hyperdeath mode as I fall on my knees.

It's finally over.

With some effort I manage to stand up. I slowly start walking back in the direction of our home. Suddenly I notice Asriel running towards me with his green shirt with yellow stripes. He looks extremely worried. I smile at him and I fall to the ground. I hear him shouting my name.

"So tired......"

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