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Thomas texted you as you were just getting ready to leave work, he said he was going to pick you up today. You smiled because he was your best friend and you always looked forward to spending time with him, so when he offered to pick you up from work and go for a ride, you couldn't say no. You were standing outside waiting for him when someone pulled up on a motorcycle, you saw them but you were looking past them, waiting to see if you could spot Thomas' car. It wasn't until they pulled off their helmet that you had to take a step back in shock.

"Thomas?" You asked, a smiled spreading across your face. You knew that he always talked about getting a motorcycle, but never did you believe he actually would. But yet there he was, with the engine purring as he grinned at you.

"What, you didn't think I meant my car, did you?" He teased, knowing that's all you could have expected since he just bought his new bike this morning.

You looked him up and down, he looked hot standing over his bike. His leather jacket seemed to hug his body better, and his hair was messy from taking off the helmet, but as he stood over his bike you realized you were attracted to your best friend. You always knew that you found him desirable, but never to this extent. It took everything in you not to go over to him and run your hands through his hair. You smiled sheepishly at your thoughts as he extended a helmet towards you.

"Come on, we're going for a ride." He said with a grin, he held the bike upright as you climbed on the back before he sat down. He grabbed your hands with his and guided you to hug him tightly around his waist. "Are you ready?" he asked, and you nodded because you knew you wouldn't be able to shout over the engine.

He sat back and steadied the bike out before he took off down the road. You could feel the wind rush past every part of your body and you were suddenly thankful for the helmet to hold your hair in place. You hugged his body tighter and you could feel his warmth even through his jacket. Your face was close enough to smell his cologne he was wearing, and you just felt the urge that you needed to be closer to him. You wanted your bodies to be pressed as tight as they could go, but you knew that he had to pay attention.

The two of you rode like this for awhile before he finally stopped at a diner for you two to get lunch, he held the bike up straight and let you get off before he followed and put the bike on it's stand. You took your helmet off in a rush as you waited for him to do the same. When both of your helmets were off, you finally gave into the urge. You pressed your body tightly against his and leaned up, pressing your lips to his for a fiery kiss in the parking lot of a diner. It felt so right, and as you let your free hand travel through his hair you felt him kiss you back, harder and with more heat. You smiled before you pulled away, watching as he tried to pull himself back together.

"What was that for?" He asked, smiling widely at you.

"I just think you're hot on a bike," You shrugged, offering a small flirty smile before you turned and made your way in the diner. Thomas quickly following, but you caught him from the corner of your eye and saw he was walking a little taller, with more pride. You laughed to yourself and shook your head. You honestly couldn't wait to get back on and ride again.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now