Care For You

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Newt Imagine

Warnings: None

"I hate you going every morning." Newt said watching you pull your running shoes on. "I don't want you to get hurt, and it scares me half to death waiting for you to return."

"Babe, I'll be fine. I always am, and besides there hasn't been a griever in my sector in ages." You stated, walking over to face your boyfriend of over a year. He grumbled something standing up, kissing your forehead, and then taking your hand leading you out of your little hut towards the entrance that was about to open.

You reached the walls right as they started to open, and Newt hugged you tightly and whispered a quick, "Be safe, I love you." like every morning which you returned with, "I will. I love you too." as always. You tiptoed to reach him better and gave him a kiss, and then turned and ran into the maze.


It was now almost close to dark, and you ran as best as you could. You had gotten attacked by a griever, but luckily hadn't gotten stung. You didn't know how bad your injuries were, all you knew was it took everything in you not to collapse right now. You turned the last corner to see everyone standing at the entrance screaming your name.

The walls shook and started to close. There was no way you were going to make it. You starred straight ahead, pushing as hard as you could, watching Newt screaming your name, fighting two Gladers that were holding him back.

You reached the closing walls and pushed between them as they got closer and closer, squeezing you. Running as much as you could, you covered the little distance left, enough for Newt to grab your arm and haul you straight out, into his arms as you blacked out.


"Please wake up, please wake up." was all you could hear being said over and over. That voice was familiar, you knew it.

"Newt?" You croaked out, slowly opening your eyes. The tear streaked face of your boyfriend appeared over you.

"Y/N! You're okay! Oh shuck, I love you. Don't ever scare me like that." Newt exclaimed softly grabbing your hand. You attempted to sit up, only to have him shake his head and softly push your shoulder back down.

"You're pretty beat up love. Broken ribs, sprained ankle, and broken wrist. And you're covered in these awful huge bruises. You've been asleep for 2 weeks, the med-jacks were beginning to think your head injury was worse than we thought, that you wouldn't wake up." He spoke softly, a tear falling down his face.

"Newt, I'm alive and fine. That's all that matters." You said lifting your non broken wrist, and wiping the tear off his cheek.

"Well you're not fine babe, but you're still beautiful as ever." He said smiling down at you.

You giggled, only to stop and suck in a quick breath due to the sharp pain in your side.

"Broken ribs, you're not to leave bed for a week. That's why I get to be here all week, to care for you." Newt stated, smiling at the last part.

"Hey I do get something good out of all of this!" You smiled up at him, and he leaned down, kissing you softly. He pulled away and just looked at you, brushing away a piece of your hair.

"My beautiful little broken baby." He chuckled and kissed you again.


The next week consisted of Newt bringing you food, keeping you company, long talks about strange things, and lots of kisses. Oh and of course everyone coming to visit a lot trying to make you feel better.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now