The Hammer

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My feet were propped up on the bay window in mine and Thomas' bedroom. I had my favorite book, Safe Haven, opened and a hot chocolate in my hands, along with a blanket with Christmas dancing penguins. My hand kept smoothing the pages trying to focus on the page, but all I could here is the bang coming from downstairs. Thomas and I just moved in together and we just got done unpacking all the boxes. When Thomas was bringing up a box full of pictures, picture frames, scrapbooks, he accidently knocked the bookshelf over. I read a lot, so I have a lot of books. At first I just put the books in a couple boxes and stored them in my room, but Thomas had other things in mind. He decided this morning he was going to build me a brand new book shelf. I was thrilled that he would go through so much trouble to build me one, especially with his busy schedule, but now I'm starting to regret it. He's making so much noise throughout the house, it's even bothering the cat that lives next door.

I put the book down and stood up, pulling the sleeves of my old high school sweatshirt. I had on knee high socks and my hair was in a messy bun. Padding my way through the upstairs, I made my way to the staircase. The noise was getting louder with each step I took. Walking into the living room, I saw Thomas' blonde hair pop into few. He was wearing a white shirt and skinny jeans. Tools were spread out on the floor along with instructions. The downstairs looked like a complete mess. Like a tornado came in.

Thomas kept banging the hammer he had on a wooden, black board. "Uhm, Thomas?" He abruptly stopped and stood up looking at me. He smiled brightly showing his pearly whites I adored. "Oh, hello lovely. How's my girl?" He kissed my cheek and I couldn't help but blush. Even after the couple years we've been dating, he's still managed to make me blush like crazy.

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I leaned my head against his strong chest. "I'm doing good." I looked around the room and then back at him. "How's my handsome working boy?" He kissed my button nosed and smiled. "I'm doing great. Just trying to put the pieces together. But some of the instructions are in Spanish so it's kind of hard to read." I giggled and unwrapped my arms from around his waist. "How about I make you some hot chocolate and you finish that." I pointed to the mess and he nodded grabbing the hammer again. Before I walked into the kitchen I heard his voice, "By the way I'm not a boy. I'm a man." I giggled shacking my head.

I grabbed a mug from the cabinet above the sink, and turned the stove on. I started singing soft tune while making the hot chocolate. I made sure to put 5 marshmallows in the mug, knowing Thomas likes that. I was about to bring the steaming hot chocolate when I heard a loud shout coming from Thomas. "Ow! Ow! (Y/N)!" I put the mug down quickly and rushed to the living room seeing Thomas clutching his hand.

Scurrying to his side I cradled his hand. "What happened?" He winced as I touched the large cut coming from the inside of his hand. "I was going to hammer that nail but the nail cut me somehow." I looked at Thomas who looked like he was going to cry. Thomas was pretty sensitive and a big soft teddy bear. Seeing him hurt just made me hurt.

"Okay let's get you to the bathroom and I'll get the first aid kit." He nodded a little still looking at his hand. I kissed his fingers gingerly whispering soothing things in his ear while helping him stand up. Blood was all over his and my shirt staining our clothes, but I didn't mind.

The blood kept coming as I sat him down in the bathroom. I rushed over to the bathroom cabinets and grabbed the first aid kit we stored in case of emergencies. Thomas kept whimpering in pain and I my stomach was dropping at the sound.

Opening the kit, I pulled out some bandages and wiped to dab the blood. I picked up Thomas hands and kissed his fingers again reassuring him things will be okay. "It doesn't look to deep, so you won't need stitches." He didn't say anything as I started dabbing the blood trying to stop it. "I'm gonna dab it with some rubbing alcohol. It's gonna sting so you can squeeze my hand if you want." I poured some alcohol on a little wipe and grabbed his hand that wasn't hurt. He gripped it holding it tightly. I started dabbing at the cut and he squeezed my hand letting out a little yelp. The bleeding finally stopped and I put the alcohol away, still holding his hand.

I wrapped it up his hand in some gaze and band aids, making sure it was secure. Looking up at his sad faced I noticed little tear stains on his cheeks breaking my heart. I leaned up and kissed all over his face. His nose. His forehead. His Cheeks. And his lips. His lips tasted of salty tears but I didn't care. He kissed back his plump lips moving against mine.

I pulled back and looked into his brown eyes. "Does it still hurt?" He nodded and closed his eyes. Standing up I grabbed his hand and stood him up. "Okay here's the plan. I'll go make some soup for both of us while you go lay down upstairs in our bed." He nodded his head some blonde hair falling in his beautiful eyes. "And we can watch those old movies you love to watch." He cracked a smile after a while and I smiled back at him.

Thomas went to the bedroom while I went to the kitchen and started making my grandma's tomato soup recipe I loved so much. She used to make it for my mom when she was sick, and my mom made it for me when I was sick. While making the tomato soup, I grabbed a few snacks for us when we watched his favorite old movies. Even though the movies were old and bland, I loved to watch his face when he watched them. His eyes always had a bright twinkle in them. And maybe it's just me, but I love when his arms are wrapped around me. They're always warm and safe.

Snapping out of my thoughts I finished up the soup and put it in two bowls. I took the two bowls and snacks and brought them upstairs to our shared bedroom. Thomas was sitting on the bed back against the headboard. His eyes were a little puffy and he had a frown on his plump lips. He was watching a show on the TV that hung upon the wall. "Hey baby. Whatcha' watching?" He turned his head and smiled a little, but I could tell he was in pain. "Something called the Biggest Loser." I set my bowl down on the table beside my bed and handed the other to Thomas. "Careful it's hot." He nodded and grabbed the spoon tasting it.

Looking through the movies we had I asked him, "Why don't I plug in one of the movies? I brought snacks too. Which one do you want to watch first? E.T, Indiana Jones, Ghostbusters, Back to the future." He looked at me for a moment before speaking, "Can we watch Star Wars." I giggled and nodded my head. "Of course. Which one?" "Return of the Jedi." I nodded and took the silver disk out plopping it in the DVD player.

As I clicked play I crawled besides Thomas and rested my head on his chest. He ran his fingers through my fingers and my heart melted. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back showing his teeth. His arms wrapped around my waist and I snuggled closer to him. "(Y/N)?" "Hm?" He didn't say anything for a minute making me wonder what he's thinking. "Do you think I'm a baby?" I sat up a little giving him a confused look. "A baby?" He shrugged looking down at his hands that were still wrapped around my waist. "Yeah you know. Like a wimp?" I shook my head and kissed his neck. "Why would I think you're a wimp?" His eyes averted away from mine to the TV. "Because I cried. I cried over a stupid little cut that I got for building a bookshelf. Men aren't supposed to cry." I frowned. "Thomas you're not a baby. People cry all the time. It's natural. You don't have to act all big and tough for me. I like when you cry. It shows me you're human." He kissed my forehead and I smiled. "Mm. Thank you." He started playing with my hair again and I melted into his touch. "Although one things for sure." "Yeah what's that?" He looked down at me with a serious face. "Tomorrow we're buying a bookshelf." I giggled and turned towards the TV. "Sure. Whatever you want."

As the end of the movie came, I looked at Thomas who was fast asleep. I turned the TV off and shut the lamp off beside the bed. I tucked Thomas in bed and pulled the covers over him. I snuggled in his chest again feeling warm. I started thinking of how lucky I am to have Thomas. I felt Thomas move a little and then a light kiss on my head. "Goodnight lovely. I love you. You're my everything." I closed my eyes falling asleep. "I love you to Thomas. So much."

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now