I Love It When You Look At Me Like That

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Newt Imagine

She walked through the crowd of gladers, vision as her eyes scanned for the boy she'd been looking for. She finally spotted him. He was propped up against a tree, furrowed and a frown etched on his face. His eyes stared hard into the ground before him, as if he was expecting for something magical to come out of it. He had his arms folded across his chest and a cup of Gally's special drink in his hand.

She stepped on a small branch, causing Newt's head to snap up to look for the source. The frown faded away when their eyes came into contact, a smile growing on his face.

He scanned her face. Her face was completely red and her face was covered with beads of sweat and dirt. Her eyes were half open with her lips slightly parted. She gave Newt a small wave as she tried to regain her balance before her chances of face planting increased.

"Hello, love," Newt smiled as he kicked himself off of the tree. "I told you to stay away from Gally's drink."

She giggled as Newt reached her within a few, large steps. He wrapped an arm around her waist and wrapped one of her arms around his neck. "I did! I'm just really really tired." And in fact, she was. Her knees went weak, suddenly giving her legs the inability to walk. Newt reacted almost immediately and stood back up straight to support her back to her hut. "See? I'm barely even able to function."

"You sure you didn't drink any of Gally's special ?" Newt chuckled. She muttered an 'I'm sure' under her breath as Newt tried once more to support her as best as he could.

The tree he'd been propped up against wasn't very far from her hut, but somehow, it had taken them both more than 5 minutes to get there. Maybe it was because of her sudden inability to function or the fact that she couldn't keep her eyes open for a mere 5 seconds anymore.

After his 5th attempt to getting her to cooperate with him and walk back to the hut — which seriously wasn't too far away — he her up into his arms, bridal style. (y/n) giggled and wrapped both her arms around his neck and rested her head on his chest. "Sorry you went through all of this trouble just to get me to bed," (y/n) whispered as if it was a rule to not make much noise while the gladers threw the monthly greenie a small welcome party.

"Don't mention it." Newt kicked the door to your hut gently and turned sideways to get inside. He set you down on your bed, fluffing the pillow as he laid your head down as gently as possible.

He sat down by the foot of her bed, a hand on her cuff while his thumb gently caressed the exposed skin. When he thought (y/n) had fallen asleep, which wasn't very long considering the fact that she couldn't keep herself awake just a few moments ago, he got up and walked away quietly to the door.

"You're not gonna stay?" The voice made him turn back around to face the bed with a (y/n) staring up at him with big eyes — something she couldn't even do a few moments ago.

"I'll stay if you want me to," Newt gave her a small smile that sent her a wave of reassurance through her body. The same smile that made her realize that maybe being stuck here, in the middle of nowhere, wasn't so bad at all. That she had a reason to carry on.

"Stay," she almost whimpered. Newt wasn't sure if she had been having one of those nights again, or it was just purely out of exhaustion. "Please."

Newt nodded slightly and took of his shoes and walked over to the bed. He climbed under the covers next to her and wrapped an arm around her from behind with his chin resting on the top of her head. "I've got you, love."

The next morning, Newt had woken up before she did. But instead of getting up to get to work, he stayed in bed while he waited for her to wake.

He chuckled at her position. A hand was under the pillow and another was resting under her cheek that was squished against the pillow. Hair covered her face, but just enough for him to be able to still see her face. Her lips were parted and her eyes were glued shut while she was in a completely different world from where he was. He propped his elbow on the bed with his head resting in his hand.

He tucked all of the stray hairs behind her ears and cupped her cheeks with his . He caressed her cheek, a grin making a way to his face.

"Hey." He jumped at the voice that came out from her lips. Her eyes were still closed. He withdrew his hand from her face, thinking that maybe she was just talking in her sleep. "You're staring again." She peeked with one eye, a playful grin on her face.

Newt rolled his eye playfully as she opened her eyes fully to get a good look at Newt who had bed hair and had tossed his shirt somewhere in her hut during the night. "But I like staring at you." He moved his face closer to hers, a look of admiration and love on his face as he looked into her eyes. "Is it okay if I kiss you?"

"Are we still in that stage of our relationship where we still have to ask for permission to do that?" She asked playfully as she stared back into his eyes.

Newt got up from his position and hovered above her with the same look on his face. "God, I love it when you look at me like that," she playfully groaned, rolling her eyes back dramatically.

"Like what?" A grin made its way to his face and his hand was now resting on her waist.

"As if I'm your whole world," she mumbled almost like she was too embarrassed to say it to him. "As if you're beyond afraid to lose me."

Newt chuckled, brushing the tip of his nose against hers. "That's because I am. I wouldn't know what to do if I ever lost you."

She smiled and pulled down the collar of his shirt and placed his lips gently against hers. The kiss wasn't rushed or filled with lust; it was filled with passion and gentleness. This kiss was screaming 'I need you' and that was when Newt realized that for the first time in almost forever, he now had something to lose.

Newt pulled away for a moment, a spark in his eye that made something inside her body bubble up then explode. "I love you, (y/n)."

"And I love you too."


We're so close to 500 reads!!!! I'm so tired right now, bye my loves.

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