The Boy Next Door

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I sat on my bed looking out my across my garden and at the house behind ours with there and symmetrical house to ours it had been up for sale for ages but when i walked to school last week the sign changed from for sale to sold, great new , so new child at school, and i can but hope and pray for a new cute guy. today lots of trucks had been UN loading stuff into the house i sat and watched for ages till a lorry moved into the garden i tried to see what was on the back it seemed like a really big shed with a glass roof and lots of other things, it was so big you could probably live in it then another man droped lots of boxes outside where they had but the shed down i heard a car pull up by the house and soon enough a couple of parents where seen moving around the house busy doing things and a boy about my age walked out into the garden towards the shed wow, he was fit, i stared till my dad knocked on my door, "y/n where going over to help the new neighbours, do you want to come?" he asks expecting me to say no and stay in my room

"i will come help" i say just thinking about getting that cute boy, i put on some shoes and went off with my parents to the house next-door my parents began talking happily helping these people and i stood around till "oh sorry dear, we quiet forgot about you, how about you go out into the garden and help our son, he would be delighted to meet you" the woman says so i nod and happily go out into the garden where i sore that cute blonde boy stood looking thought boxes of stuff

"Uh hi, our parents told me to come help you" i say and he turns to me

"oh uh, great" he says seeming nervous to meet me

"im y/n" i say happily

"uh Isaac, or newt, im good with either" he says so i smile

"okay Isaac" i say"what can i help with?" i ask

"well its just a case of moving the boxes inside" he says so i nod and for a while i help him inside and we chatted about this and that he was sweet, and very cute, once all the boxes where inside he started sorting them out and i looked around

"wow, what is this place?" i ask

"well, my parents said if i live under there roof, i live by there rules" he says

"oh, so your roof?" i ask

"my roof my rules, i built this place, has everything you need, electricity, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, everything, i live here away from my parents, i like being alone" he explains

"oh okay" i say after more time we had sorted out the whole place and he showed me around, the place it was lovely, "if you like y/n i can make another door and you can come visit thought your garden" he suggests and i nod

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now