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Y/N)'s POV:
I groaned when the voice of a drunken man was heard.Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear,I inhaled sharply as the banging of the door began to get louder as every second past.

"Open the damn door..."dad slurred.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.Yes,I was afraid.But the fact that I was too used to his freaky actions decreases my fear.I stared at the night sky.Peace.Calmness.That's what I received whenever I looked at the sky.I might be too lost in the maze of thoughts till I didn't realise that dad had managed to go in,although I had locked it.He might have used the spare key.Oh well....

"When I tell you to open the door,just fucking open it!!!!"he barked and started hitting me with his belt.

Tears threaten to fall when his belt touches my skin.Its painful,yes.But my heart hurt more.My heart broke in pieces the way I fall asleep.Slowly,then all at once.


-Next Morning-
I woke up to the sudden attack of dizziness and saw all my things messed up.Looks like my room had been hit by a tornado.I bit my lower lips in frustration.

'This must be dad's job!'I sighed.

Thank god it was a weekend.I quickly clean the mess and glanced at the open door.I tiptoed out and saw dad sleeping on the couch and that brings me the satisfaction.I sprint back into my room,packed all my clothes into a bag,grabbed some important stuffs,and make a run for it.Before I left,I had a last glance of the house that I had lived in most of my life.The memories flew in my mind.Memories created when mom was here.

"Thank you for all the memories.Goodbye,"I whispered under my breath.

The cold wind that rushed to my body made me shivered as I walked down the pavement,my heart breaking into pieces whenever I took a step.I was still in the puddle of thoughts whether I should continue with my plan to run away.Mom's last words echoed in my mind.

"Don't do anything that would hurt you.Love yourself,even when others don't.Protect your dignity,don't let anyone hurt you,my daughter.Importantly,don't ever leave the house as that is the place that has a thousand of memories that can never be found anywhere,"

I wiped off the tears that trickled down my cheek.

'I'm sorry,mom.But it's for my own became worse.'

I took out my phone and dialed all the members in my squad.

"Hey Ariana,Alina,Scarlet,meet up?Okay,at Ariana's.Ciao."I hung up and waited for a taxi to go to Ariana's penthouse.
"Hey (Y/N)!!!"Alina and I exchanges hugs.

"Why do you have eye bags under you eyes?"Ariana asked,earning a glare from Alina.

"Urgh,stop with all that 'sass',"Alina snapped,annoyed.

They were about to argue when Scarlet interrupted.

"Guys,can you guys focus and listen to (Y/N)?"Scarlet,the quietest yet wisest interrupted.Ariana and Alina grumbled some words before siting on the couch.

"So...what's bothering you?"I took a deep breath and tried to blink the tears back.

"Wait...why do you have scars all over your arm?!Did that jerk hurt you again?!"I nodded my head at Alina's question.

"I'm so gonna throw my 5 inch high heels at him,"she snarled.Scarlet calmed her down and I told them my tragical story.

"Well,yesterday dad beat me using his belt.And I couldn't take it anymore.So...I decided to run away."By the time I finished,my cheeks already wet.Ariana patted my shoulder.

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