Baby Troubled

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Y/N's Point of View

I was getting dinner ready for the many gladers that we needed to feed. Especially me and my plus one. Yes I was pregnant, two weeks actually, and I still didn't know how to tell Newt, my boyfriend, and father of my child. It's just he has so much going on right now. As of now he had been worrying about the newest greenie, who's name I didn't catch.

When the food was all ready, Frypan and I got the food in order, and waited for the gladers to arrive. They all got in line and Frypan and I started serving them. When Newt came around, I started freaking out and told Fry I needed to go to the bathroom. He looked confused and nodded yes, and I left. I hid in the bathroom for a while when I heard someone walking over.

"Hello, love?"

Oh shit. It was Newt. I didn't know what to do, so I just did what anyone else would have done, "It's busy." I said nonchalantly.

"Haha, love I know your in there. Are you okay?" He says asking worriedly.

"Yeah, just doing my business. I'll be out in a second." I say calmly.

Once I'm done, I quickly walk out of the bathroom and dash for my hut, Newt following behind me. Once I make it to my room, I close the door, but I was to late, Newt had caught up and stopped the door with his foot. He walked into our shared room, now that Alby accepted our relationship, two years ago... He'd let us finally share a room. Alby was strict about gladers and relationships. No one was allowed to date, but Newt and I had really strong feelings for each other, that we secretly dated for five months until Gally caught us holding hands in public one day and told on us. Alby had no choice but to let us be together, and eventually calmed about it and now it's okay for anyone to be together.

Anyway, Newt opened the door and I sat on our bed, crying my eyes out. I really didn't want to tell Newt. I knew it would worry him. If anything the boys would be even more over protective of me than before. He sat beside me and wrapped both arms around me, "Love, what's wrong? You've been avoiding me all day. Did I do something wrong?" He asked sweetly

"It's nothing, Newt. I swear. It's not you. It's me." I say hands covering my face.

"What is? I'm confused." He says.

"Newt! Are you oblivious or something?! I'm pregnant! We- We're pregnant." I say through small breaths.

His face falls for a second then it lights up quickly. "We- Your- How?"

"Newt. You know exactly how." I retort.

"No, love! How long?" He chuckles.

"Two weeks."

"Two? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Because. I didn't want to worry you with it. I know you, Minnie, Fry, and Winston are going to be really over protective over this. And I don't want that. I want us to work together to care for it, and then too of course, but I don't want anyone to go crazy over this. I can still cook and clean and do normal things, you know?"

"Yeah. But, baby girl. Y-your pregnant. With my child." He says still smiling widely.

"Newt? Are you okay?" I ask giggling. I couldn't get over how happy he looked. He was so handsome when he smiled brightly.

"Yeah. I'm fine... It's just... Your having my child. It's so mind blowing! I promise you, Y/N. I'll do whatever I can to make sure we have a healthy baby, okay?"

"Yeah." I say giggling once more.

He pulls me into a sweet soft kiss, and we stay like that for a while before we hear a knocking on the door.

"Come in." I say.

Minho walks in, "Hey are you all gonna eat or not?"

"Yeah, we be there in a few." He says smirking at me.

"Yeah, we'll be there in a few Minnie. In fact, could you tell, Fry to add a little more to my plate, please?" I giggle to him waiting to see if he got the joke.

His eyes widen, and then he smirks, "you two are gross. Now c'mon, let's go eat."

We get up and follow Minho out the room and out the homestead and go back to the gladers still eating their food, and enjoying themselves.

-Time Skip to later-

We all gathered around the bonfire and Alby spoke up, "Okay you shanks. We've got some good news on our hands. Y/N here, is pregnant with the newest glader."

The whole glade cheered and howled and Alby gestured for them to settle down, "Alright, alright, settle down you shanks. Now that we've got a new glader on the way, we all have to pitch in and help, Y/N here with whatever she might need, got it?"

The all nod, yes. Then someone shouted, "WHO'S THE BABY DADDY?" In a joking manor. As if they didn't know who.

"Haha, very funny. Shuck off, bloody shanks!" He retorts back.

Then Newt and I walk towards a log and we sit down and enjoy each other's company.

"I love you, Y/N, and I can't wait for our little one to come." Newt cooed at me while rubbed my belly. I couldn't help but smile at the way he lovingly rubbed it. He was being gentle and sweet.

"Newt. I'm a little worried." I say, my smile dying down into a frown.

"Why, love?"

"I thought this would be a bother to you."

"Y/N, nor you or this child will ever be a bother to me."

"Sure you say that now, but what will happen when the baby grows up, and it gets too tiring?"

I let my face fall facing the ground and Newt picks up my chin, "Hey. We'll have our ups and downs, but we all will get through this together all of us will. Okay? C'mon. Let us celebrate." He says picking us up and leads me to the bonfire and we go to the crowd of boys brawling it out.

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