Something To Thing About

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"Haha seriously? Why did they send you here?" One of the boys said.

"I know, they got tired of her so they wanted to get rid of her." Another one spat out not even given a second thought about your feelings.

And so it went on for minutes while you were trying to concentrate on the food. They never kept their mouths shut, they always kept on telling you how useless you are, that nobody needs you and making fun of your clothes. What were you supposed to do? Last time you checked you were stuck in the glade and there's nowhere you can buy clothes, so shut the hell up!
You wish you had the courage to scream at them and tell them how you feel, make them keep their mouths shut. But you didn't. You are the only girl here, just that made you feel insecure and these boys just made it worse for you.
One of the boys came closer to you and grabbed your hand as you were about to take a bite from the apple. You looked at him scared and confused then pushed his hand away. You got up from the chair and was about to leave when the boy shouted to you.

"Please don't come back!" The others started to laugh and cheer on his words.

"Hey! Shut the hell up!" You heard Thomas shout at them, he had just returned with Minho from the maze.

Your eyes were , you tried to hold your tears back.
Minho, Thomas and Newt always had your back but they were hardly there when you needed them. They had others things to do, to take care of and you completely understand that. You just wished you could take care of yourself and stand up for yourself.
Thomas and Minho came towards you to make sure you were okay, you gave them a fake smile and a simple 'thank you' and left. You started to walk towards the woods and kept on walking deeper in as you finally let the tears stream down your face and letting out quiet sobs. You decided to stop and sat down on a big that had fallen down. The tears kept coming and you started to cry louder, knowing that nobody could hear you here anyway.
It was peaceful and quiet around you, not a single sound of any living soul. No animals, no birds, nothing. All you could hear was a soft sound of the wind.
You stopped crying. You picked up a branch from the ground and started to pick on the ground with the pointy end, digging some kind of hole. Suddenly it hit you, everything those boys have ever said to you, everything with the glade, being the only girl and on top of that you don't even know who you are except for your name which doesn't exactly say anything.
Why you? You thought as you started to cry and have a complete break down. Why did they pick you? Why not somebody else?
You fell to the ground, your back resting against the tree trunk, the branch falling down from you hand as you rested your hand on the earthy ground and the tears falling down your cheeks leaving it wet and warm.
You heard footsteps coming towards you but you didn't bother to look, you didn't care, you just wanted to cry.

"Y/n?" You heard a familiar voice say.

It was Newt, he walked over to you and sat down on the space next to you as he placed on hand on top of yours caressing it with his thumb soft and slowly. His touch made beat faster but at the same time feeling relaxed. You didn't have to look his way to see him staring at you concerned, you could already feel it.
You continued crying but you did it quietly, not wanting him to notice. You had your head down while your face was covered with your hair.
Newt couldn't see your face but he knew something was wrong, he heard about what happened earlier when you were eating, he wanted to make sure you were okay and if not he wanted to comfort you but he just couldn't find you. That's why he headed towards the woods in hope to find you there which he luckily did.

"Y/n?" He broke the silence after a few minutes of just staring.

"I was worried sick you know.." He continued.

"I- I'm sorry." You managed to whisper with a shaky voice.

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong?" Newt noticed that you were crying when you spoke up.

Newt had a habit of calling you sweetie now and then but you were just friends. Although you wished the two of you were more than friends since you had started to have feelings for him.
He pulled you closer to his chest, wrapping his arms around your body as his chin rested on your head. You didn't hold back, you responded to his touch and rested your hands and your head on his warm chest. The tears were now falling on shirt creating wet spots all over. He removed one hand from your body and placed it on your cheek as he wiped off your tears with his thumb.

"Talk to me y/n." He begged.

"I hate this. I hate everything, everyone and most of all I hate myself." You .

"Why is this happening to me Newt? I can't take it anymore. Everyone hates me, they keep on telling me how useless I am, how-" You broke down and Newts grip around you tightened.

"I know you hate this, I hate this too. In fact all of us hate this. But don't ever hate yourself, this isn't your fault. You're amazing and you should never hate yourself.
There's no excuse for their behavior towards you, all I can say is we have been here for a very long time. We are lost Y/n, they are lost. I don't think they realize what they are saying is hurtful. They don't hate you, I refuse to believe that. It's not possible to hate you. You're so.. sweet and everything, so caring." He started to move his hand on your back slowly up and down. It felt relaxing.
"They are letting out their anger, their hate on the wrong person, it's really towards the people who put us in here. They are stupid, a bunch of morons for not realizing that, for not realizing all of this." He continued as his eyes tried to catch yours.

"I'm sorry Newt but all I hear is you defending them. They broke me apart Newt, I'm in pieces and I don't think I'll be whole again. How do you not see that?" You pushed yourself out of his grip but he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you into a hug.

"I'm not defending them Y/n, I just told you what I think is going on but I'm definitely not defending them. I would never defend their behavior, I can't. Not after seeing you like this. Hell they went too far and I just wanna beat them up right now. I hate seeing you like this. I'm having a talk with them when I get back and it will not be pretty." He responded with anger on his voice, anger towards the boys not you.

"Just be careful okay? Don't start a fight. I'm not worth it." Your eyes met Newts.

"Hey, you have no idea how much you're worth to me." He said with his eyes still locked to yours.

"I promise you from now on no one will be mean to you. I'll make sure of that. You have my word." His hands trailed up to your cheeks, holding your sad but pretty face between his two warm hands.

"I appreciate it, I really do but you can't make them like me Newt." A tear fell down as you spoke. He wiped it away immediately .

"I know but I can make them realize that what they do is wrong and hurtful. Drive some common sense back into them." He said making you smile a little.

"Don't give this or them any attention, don't think about it, just think about something else." You looked at him wonderingly.

"Yeah like what? It's not that easy you know." You responded in a harsh tone.

"I know. Can I give you something to think about?" He asked and you nodded curiously.

His lips crashed into yours. Kissing you softly. It took a few seconds before you responded to the kiss. He asked for entrance with his tongue and you happily let him in, your tongues met and did their own dance. After a few long minutes he pulled back a little, his lips was still nearly touching yours.

"Now you have something to think about." He whispered against your lips.

You couldn't help but smile. With that said Newt leaned in again and went in for a second kiss. 

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now