The Fight

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Y/N's Point of View

I sat down with my boyfriend, Newt, eating our lunch. I playfully pushed his arm when he tried to take the food from my hand. We laughed and giggled, having a good time.

When we were done, he kissed me and took my plate like a gentleman, even though he didn't have too. I smiled at him as he left with the two clean plates in his hands. I got up and lightly wiped my shirt while walking up to the kitchen to tell Frypan how delicious his cooking was.

"Hey Y/N, how's it going?" He smiled picking up the bowls of little leftovers.

"Just came over to tell you that lunch was definitely delicious, Fry. Newt and I really enjoyed it. Thank you." I giggle.

Then I left and walked to the Medjacks hut, seeing Gally along the way, "Hey Gal." I smile.

"Hey Y/N." He said suspiciously.

I shrugged it off and kept walking.

-Later that day-

Newt's Point of View

I was pulling weeds when I saw Gally heading my way. He had this massive frown on his face, almost like he was growling. I stood up to greet the tall boy, "What's on your mind Gally? You seem a bit mad there."

"Your girlfriends what's on my mind."

"Gally. I told you I don't want you thinking about her like that." I stand up.

"No! Not like that. I was thinking about what she did."

"Well. What did she do?" I ask giving him a questionable look.

"Well. I don't want to be a snitch or ruin your sweet relationship and all. But...since I respect you, Newt. I'll tell you."

He paused looking down to the ground and scratched the back of his neck.

"Are you going to tell me or waste my time?"

"I saw Y/N flirt with Frypan after you left."

"Gally. She always goes up to Frypan. She likes to compliment the chef." I smile.

"Oh really? Then why did she kiss his cheek afterwards and give him the flirtatious wave back." Gally said raising his eyebrows.

"She did?"

He just nodded yes.

I felt anger rise inside me. My cheeks burning a dark massive red. My hands turning into fists. I angrily walk over to the Medjacks hut and find Y/N reading a health book.


She turns around, "Oh! Hey Newt." She says walking up to me.

She gives me a hug but I push her away. She looks at me worried, "Newt? Are you okay?"

"No. I'm not okay, Y/N." I pause looking into her eyes, "How could you do that to me?!" I shout at her.

"What?!" She asks really confused.

"What do you mean 'what'?! You know exactly what you did!"

"Newt, what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you kissing Frypan!"

"WHAT?!" She screams.


"I DO LOVE YOU NEWT! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!" She pauses, "Who told you I kissed Fry?" She softened.

"Gally. He said he saw you flirting with him. I-I don't understand, Y/N. How could you do that to me? I love you."

"You actually believe Gally, Newt?"

I just look at her, then down, still angry.

"Jesus Christ, Newt. I thought you'd be open minded about this. I thought you were different. But I guess I was wrong." She said. She paused for a moment, "If you don't trust me around others, then...then I guess we're through."

"Fine then. I guess we're through. I don't want a girlfriend who cheats on behind my back with a friend."

"YOU ASS! I DIDN'T CHEAT!" She paused again, "I HATE YOU, NEWT!" Then storms out of the room.

I rub my face. I walk out of the room and go back to work.

-Time Skip to dinner-

I walk up to Frypan to get some food, "Hey Newt. What's up?"

"Not in the mood, Frypan."

"Sorry Newt. Anyway, can you tell Y/N thanks for the nice compliment. Im glad you guys enjoy my food. You've got one hell of a girl Newt. Any guy would be lucky to have her." He says smiling.

I think for a second and find the right question, "Hey Frypan. May I ask you a question?"


"What happened after I left at lunch today?"

"Nothing. Y/N walked over here and complimented my food then left."

"So no kiss?"

"Kiss? Newt did you hit your head or something?"


"But what, Newt?"

"Gally told me that Y/N kissed you and flirtatiously waved at you."

Then Frypan started laughing.

"What's so funny? Am I missing something?"

"Yeah... Newt. Why would you believe Gally? You know Y/N is head over heals for you, man. Plus nobody believes that idiot." He said laughing.

"Thanks Frypan."

"No problem Newt."

-Later that night-

Y/N's Point of View

I was lying down on our shared bed, crying. Why would he believe Gally. That boy was a ginormous jerk. Everyone knew not to believe that idiot.

I heard the door open, "Hey." I know that voice anywhere.

"What do you want, Newt?"

"To apologize." He walks further in, closing the door.

I pull the covers over my head to avoid eye contact, "Leave me alone, Newt."

"I can't. I love you too much."

I turn around under the sheets tears still slipping down.

"Y/N. Will you please talk to me."

I scoot over to the other side of the bed. I hear him walking, so I shuffle towards the other side. But then I feel him jumps on the bed and he rolls over and he finally catches me. He kneels on the floor and picks up the covers, and joins me under them.

"Listen, Y/N. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have believed when Gally told me. I should have known that you wouldn't do that. I'm so sorry for accusing you of cheating." He started tearing up. "I love you." He pecks my lips.

"I love you too, Newt... And I don't hate you. I don't want us to break up." I say tearing up as well.
"It's okay, love. I deserved it. And I don't want us to break up either."

He wipes my cheeks with his thumb, kissing my forehead. After he pulls away, I cup his cheeks and kiss his lips. He lays on his back and I put my head on his chest closing my eyes carefully listening to his heartbeat.


"Yes, love?"

"What's gonna happen to Gally?"

"He's gonna get it big time." He chuckles.

After a while we fall asleep into each other's arms.

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