Quite A Knock

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Rushing through the corridors, you and a few nurses pushed the stretcher, avoiding various people along the edge of the hallways. You tried to block out the outside noise as one of the nurse's gave you a description of what had happened and what injuries he had sustained. "He was in a car crash, the car flew right in the side of his motorbike, but luckily it's not as bad as it could've been. Not as bad as it could have been. Most of him is fine but there is a piece of metal wedged into his leg and it could cause an infection to spread really quickly because it is next to his artery, and I guess you know what to do now."

You nodded as you knew exactly what could happen to him. The crash itself and the injuries he sustained weren't the absolute worse they could have been, but it didn't mean that they weren't bad. Looking down at his scratched face, you thought he looked quite handsome, and around your own age. His dirty blonde hair was sticking out in every possible direction, and blood oozed out of the cuts on his face. It wasn't much blood compared to how much blood his leg was letting out. His eyes fluttered open weakly and you found yourself looking into his brown eyes. A piece of hair was covering a bit of his eye, so you brought your hand and moved it from his face, knowing that he was too weak and in too much pain to do it himself. "You're going to be fine," you told him. Usually you only said that to children, but he looked so innocent, that you couldn't help yourself from saying it. He didn't deserve to go through this. Silently, you cursed whichever stupid driver did this to him, because that driver had got away with only a few cuts and bruises, whilst he was here, ready to go into the operating theater.

One of the nurses swung open the door leading into the operating theater. Turning the stretcher around, the nurses put him in the right position whilst you put on a pair of gloves and a mask. You looked at the tray of medical instruments and picked up one of them, whilst pushing the tray towards the operating table. A gash was made in his leg, blood seeping out of it, and you could just see the end of the metal. You looked at the screen to get a better look at it, placing the instrument it the view of the screen so that you knew you were getting the right thing. Once you were certain that you knew the exact location of the wire you turned back to his leg and leaned slightly forward. Placing the instrument on his leg, you slowly tried to ease it out.

The steady bleeping of the monitor told you that he was doing okay. But you knew that if the metal did touch his artery for a moment too long, that steady beat will rapidly increase. You could hear the blood pounding through your ears, keeping in time with -what was his name? - Thomas' heartbeat. Moving the metal slightly to the left, you tried to find a better position the take the metal out. But that was the wrong position. Right on cue the monitor started to bleep fast in the background and you closed your eyes briefly whilst re-positioning the metal. Trying to find a better position for the metal to come out from, you tried to calm your breathing. You can do this, you reassured yourself, getting back on track.

The rest of the operation went on with only one other close call. You were nearly done for the day, all ready to go with your coat on and out of your work clothes, when you decided to go visit Thomas again, see how he was doing. Asking at the reception, they told you which room he was in. Climbing up the stairs and navigating through a few corridors, you finally found his room. Gently pushing the door open, as not to disturb him if he was sleeping, you entered the room. To your surprise, he was prompt up on one of the pillows, no longer breathing using the oxygen mask. "Hey," Thomas said as you came into the room. He was no longer weak, but still recovering from the accident.

"Hey," you said back before adding, "quite a knock you had back on the road."

"Yeah, I know. I heard. I promise you that I wasn't going over the speed limit and that I was driving safely."

"I could guess. Such a handsome man like you shouldn't have to pay the price of what other idiots do," you covered your mouth with your, realizing that you had just called him handsome out loud. Shit.

He laughed, his eyes crinkling slightly in the corners, "It's alright. To be honest I'm glad you said that because I was kind of hoping that you would like me back," he smiled again, blushing a little bit.

"That would've been a little embarrassing on my part, if you hadn't liked me back," you said, letting yourself blush and smile shyly.

"So, maybe do you want to go on a date or something?" you looked at him in bed and the state he was in, and raised an eyebrow. Realizing what you had realized, he quickly added, "I mean after I get out."

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" He smiled again. "I should go now. See you soon."

"See ya."

Just as you left a room a voice behind you stopped you and made you turn around. "And by the way, thank you for saving my life back there."

You winked whilst saying, "No probs."

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now