Old Friends

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I hurried down the wet grey streets, moving past pushy people in dark boring clothes that blend into the bland atmosphere. Rain splashes my feet and beats down on my bright pink umbrella. I turn down a side street, sighing at how far I have to walk.

I had a terrible date this afternoon, and it turns out he wasn't planning on dropping me home in his shitty beaten up tin can of a car. So I have to now walk 10 blocks back to my apartment, after standing in the rain for 45 minutes trying to get a cab. You could say I'm in a less that happy mood right now.

Looking around the street I'm on, I realise I have no idea where I am. Everything looks the same- wet and grey. Leaning against a cold stone wall, I slide to the ground, crouching as to not get the skirt and tights I was wearing any more soaking then they already were. Can this day get any worse? I put my head in my hands, and let out a small scream of frustration at my whole situation. I don't want to be here, not in this street, not in this town, not in this country. It's just not good for me anymore. My apartment is just like the town, no matter how hard I try to make it colourful and bright; it's always grey and depressing.

I feel a drop of water on my face as I stand up and step back into the open street, and get harasses again by the bucketing rain.Crap. I let out a sigh, and pick my umbrella back up off the floor, and start towards the main road, so I have a little more of an idea of where I am. Stepping out onto the busy street, I see grey people, pushy and frustrated. Arg. I hate this place.

I walk down the way I came, towards a building I at least kind of remember. As I shuffle along the busy street, I get knocked over by a snappy, angry looking man who grunts as he pushes me, my umbrella slipping and everything in my hands tumbling onto the wet pavement. People retract from the mess that is my belongings.

"Shit!" I curse loudly. Damn it. I lean down to pick up my things, and when I get back up, I yet again bump into another stranger.

"Sorry" I mumble, not even looking up to meet the guy's eyes. I go to move away, but he grabs my arm.

" y/N? " I recognise that voice straight away. I look up and find myself looking into the deep brown eyes of Thomas Sangster.

"T-Thomas. Hi." I stutter. I haven't spoken to Thomas in 4 and a half years, since he moved away to America. We were best friends, but apparently he was too much of a big star to take the time to talk to his best friend, and we stopped talking.

"I- I'm back. I missed you so much." He said, and I heard real pain in his voice. He embraced me in a hug, and I sighed a little. Things had changed when he left. Everything lost its colour, its wonder.

"Why didn't you tell me you were home?" I asked, my voice cracking slightly. How could he? How could he come home and not even give me a call? Has he visited back before without seeing me?

"it was a last minute thing... I actually have something important to do while I'm here." He said, and he looked to his feet, scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay. Well, I don't want to keep you from your life." I said with venom and ice in my voice, I could feel the tears pickling my eyes. I look away from him so he doesn't see.

"Y/n?" he said, and I looked up at him, to see him staring at me, with tears in his eyes too.

"You're why I'm back. I have something I've wanted to tell you forever, but never had the chance." My neck snaps towards him, not believing him. He's always been too busy for me. the cold, wet rain trickles down my neck, after I dropped my umbrella.

"I love you. I have always loved you. It broke my heart leaving you, and I couldn't talk to you without feeling my heart break all over again. I love the way you do your hair, the way it looks in the mornings, I love the way you drink your tea, like it's warming your soul. I love the way you close your eyes when your favourite song comes on. I love you when you're sad, I love when you're happy even more. I love everything about you!" he said, practically yelling the last part. He takes my face in his hands, and leans into me, as if he's going to kiss me.

"I love you too. You don't understand how much I missed you." I said, and he crashed our lips together, and suddenly, the wonder came back in a rush of colour and hope. I was home again.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now