Spin the Bottle

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"No way."

"But Y/N! You have to play!"

"No," you laugh. "Chuck I'm not going to play a game where the only reason it was created was to kiss someone."

Chuck hesitated. "Why not?"

"Because...because it's stupid!"

Chuck gave a knowing grin at your smile. "You want to kiss him don't you," he says excitedly.

You heart gives a heaving thump and then stops. "Kiss who?" Your voice cracks.

Chuck steps closer and turns your head to the left so you're looking at him. Your crush. "Newt. We all know you like him!"

You shake your head. "I'm not playing, Chuck. And that's final."


Five minutes later, you sat in the circle of boys and Teresa. You shake your head. Chuck could be so persistent. But then again, a little part of you wanted to play, it was true. You mutter under your breath and wait for the game to start.

Teresa winks at you as Minho begins to explain the rules. You smile and stick your tongue out at her. She knew of your crush on Newt, but you knew about hers on Thomas. You wiggled your eyebrows as Thomas sat next to her and started talking to her.

Minho finishes explaining the rules and sits in the circle too, the only light being the flames of the bonfire behind the group. He places the bottle in the center and nods at Teresa. "You're up!"

She smiles and takes a deep breath. The bottle spins three times before coming to a stop on Chuck.

The Gladers start clapping and yelling, laughing. Teresa laughs and Chucks face goes red.

"Okay, come here, Chuck," she grins. Chuck swallows audibly and moves across the circle.

Teresa pecks his cheek and Chuck breathes out a huge sigh of relief. "Thank goodness, I thought you were gonna be my first kiss," he laughs. "Thomas would've killed me!"

"Chuck!" Thomas shouts and you cover your mouth to muffle your laughing. Thomas groans and sits back against a tree. Apparently the secret of Thomas liking Teresa was out.

Teresa looks over at you and you give her a thumbs up. She rolls her eyes.

"Okay Y/N," Minho nods and you lean forward on your knees. You twist the bottle swiftly and let it spin.

It slows and for a second, it looks like it's about to land on Gally. You pray it kept spinning a little more. You couldn't kiss Gally, no matter how good a friend he was to you.

The bottle must've heard your pleas and keeps spinning...until it stops on Thomas.

Thomas looks from the bottle up to you. Back to the bottle. Up to you. Then to Teresa, and back at you.

"I uh, Minho? I think, considering what just happened, I should spin again."

Minho looks between the three of you and shrugs. "Why not?"

"So much for the stupid rules you spent ten minutes explaining," someone mutters to your side.

"Zart," Minho raises his eyebrows with a playful smirk. "Slim it."

You twist the bottle again and let it spin. You take what you said about Gally back. You'd kiss him over Thomas. You didn't want to make Teresa mad at you over a silly game.

The bottle comes to a creeping stop at Newts feet. A little part of you screamed inside and another cheered. Your eyes go wide and Newt looks up to you with a smirk. Winston slaps him on the back with a grin and he moves across the circle to you.

You swallow hard. "Newt, I um," you start.

"Nervous?" He chuckles and gets closer. "Don't worry, I won't bite."

You laugh quietly and he looks into your eyes and waits for you to close the distance.

You look from his lips to his eyes and shake your head. What did you have to lose?

You push your mouth against his and the Gladers don't cheer or yell. They're completely silent. Every one of them knew you liked each other.

Of course you'd always imagined kissing Newt, but you never knew his lips would be so soft. You never knew he'd be so completely intoxicating and addictive.

"Hey you two, I think your turns up," Minho calls and the Gladers laugh around him.

You break the kiss and Newt looks into your eyes like you were his. He smiles before sitting back in his place. Winston stayed a little further from him this time.

You clear your throat to break the silence. "Okay, who's next?"

I fell asleep before I could finish because I was also doing homework, which is boring. Now I have all-city band. Whetever. Bye people.

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