Break Time

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A/N: When you want to go Ice Skating, but your mom is being a butt. 

Your last final was on Monday, so you had made plans with yourself to study all weekend and that's exactly what you had been doing for two days straight now. It was Saturday night and you were trying to keep yourself awake as you highlighted and noted everything you thought would be important for your finals. You had been rubbing your eyes to keep yourself awake for the last hour, but honestly you were so exhausted. You could hear the sound of your boyfriends steady breathing from behind you, he had come over to keep you company while you were studying, but he had fallen asleep hours ago. Jerk.

You were copying old notes onto cheat sheets when you heard him slowly get up off the bed and coming up behind you, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Hey love, sorry I fell asleep." He said, his voice groggy and tired.

"It's okay, it's not like I'm acting like good company to be around" You said sincerely, smiling up at him briefly before looking back down at all your noted and getting back to work.

"Why don't you take a break?" He asked, rubbing your shoulders. Massaging the tight muscles with his soft fingertips. They dug into your skin right where you needed it most and you could feel some of the pressure already begin to seep out of you as your body relaxed into the movements of his hands.

You pulled yourself together and tried to shrug his hands away, but he kept them firmly on your shoulders. "Thomas, I can't. This is really important and I don't want to fail it." You said before writing more notes down.

Thomas placed his hand on top of yours, making you stop writing and look up at him. His eyes were serious even though he offered you a soft smile, "You've been getting A's all year, I think that you can stop studying a little early tonight."

You smiled softly at him, he was right. Your grades were high and you knew this stuff inside and out, but you also knew that you should still study, in case there is anything you have forgotten about that will be on the final tomorrow. "I don't know Thomas, I really should study for another couple hours at least." You said and you were about to turn back to your books, but he leaned down and places a soft kiss against your lips, making you melt into him as you kissed him back.

"You... can do it... tomorrow" He said between kisses. You nodded as he smiled against your lips, he pulled you up from your desk chair and brought you over to the bed. The two of you laid down and got comfortable as he put a movie on for the both of you to watch, but you were so exhausted that you fell asleep five minutes in.

Thomas smiled as he kissed the top of your head, he stroked your hair softly as you slept with your head comfortably placed on his chest. "I love you," he whispered before he too closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with you.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now