My Son's Role Model

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You couldn't believe it. You were sitting on the floor crying your eyes out while cradling your extremely large stomach. You were 9 months pregnant and due to pop any day now.

How could he do this to you? How could he do this to the both of you? You had moved to New York with him. You had ignored your family's protests and disapproval of him. You had loved him, or you had thought you loved him. So, you two both packed up and moved from your small town in Pennsylvania and moved to the big city.

Now here you were with no money and no one to help you. Your family hadn't spoken to since you disobeyed them. Now you didn't blame them. You had been stupid. You were left alone, not even 22 yet. You were left sitting on the floor crying. Your boyfriend had not even glanced at you, as he carried all of his stuff out of your shared apartment. How were you going to get by?

For the first time in your life, you were genuinely scared. You had nothing, except the beautiful baby boy you were carrying in your stomach.

"We're going to be okay, Jake," you . "I promise we will make it through this."

______________4 Years Later_______________

You shuffled down the busy streets of New York, running late for work once again. Jake was sitting in one of your arms while you held your brief case in the other hand. Your was stuck in between your shoulder and your ear.

"I know, I know," you huffed into the phone. "Jake wasn't cooperating and my skirt was still drying. My hair is such a mess and..."

"Shhh," your boss interrupted you. "It's fine. Just take your time and get here when you can. Our first interview isn't until 12."

"What would I do if you weren't my boss," you smiled.

"Probably be on the street," he laughed.

"I'll be there in a few minutes, Tim," you replied before shutting your phone.

"Mama," Jake whispered.

"What is it, sweetheart?" you asked him.

He pointed to a window that had puppies in it. You stopped and let him watch the puppies roll around with each other, Jake giggling at them.

"I want one," he smiled.

Your smile faltered a little. You wish you could give your special man one. You had always wanted a dog yourself, but, with your salary, you were barely getting by as it was.

"Maybe one day," you said softly, as you began to walk again.

"It's okay, Mommy," he giggled, holding on to your neck a little tighter.

There was the little gentleman you had been raising. He was honestly the sweetest boy in the whole wide world. He was extremely mature for his age and completely understanding. With all the bad luck you had received in this life, he was the one good thing you had.

While you were deep in thought, you hadn't noticed the young man that had stopped right in your path. You ran right into him and managed to cause him to stumble forward.

"Oh my god," you exclaimed. "I am so extremely sorry!"

You were . You couldn't believe that you had just slammed into this man. Jake giggled in your arms, and you gave him a look that said that it wasn't funny.

"It's alright," a British accent laughed.

You looked up at the man's face, and were greeted by a very handsome, sandy blond haired man. He was a little bit taller than you, but not much. His features suggested that he couldn't be older than 17, but his mannerisms were the same as someone your age. His brown eyes stared into your (E/C) ones.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now