Dance With Me

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Newt Imagine

Warning: None

You let out a sigh as you sat back against a log, watching the rest of the boys party around the bonfire. You were silently drinking Gally's special mixture, your eyes too busy scanning the crowd for one person and one person only to not even notice him sitting down beside you.

"Y/N! My favourite girl!" Newt boomed, slinging an arm around your shoulder. You jumped and turned around to face him. He was grinning widely, sloshing his drink all around and chuckling.

"I'm the only girl here," You pointed out, trying to act nonchalant but even being intoxicated you could tell you were freaking out for having him so close to you.

"My one and only," he corrected himself, winking at you. You blushed lightly and tried to hide that by chugging back a huge gulp of Gally's moonshine. "Listen, love, I have a brilliant idea and it involves you and me," Newt slurred.

You raised an eyebrow, looking at him curiously with a tiny smirk. "Oh yeah, and what's that?"

"Don't go gettin' any ideas, slinthead. I was jus' going to suggest that we go for a walk," he said. "Lets get away from this party for a bit."

"Just a walk?" You asked.

"And we can go watch the sky or something. Talk, maybe. I like talking to you," he said, already getting up. You bit down on your lower lip to try and hide your goofy smile.

"Fine! I'm coming!" You said, jumping to your feet. "Just to make sure you don't pass out with the animals or something stupid."

"I would never," he protested, laughing.

He began pulling you away, staggering as he walked, and entertaining you by talking about random things. You both walked into the forest and found a nice secluded area to sit down. You were both leaning against a tree, still talking. Things went silent for a few minutes and you both sort of just stared up at the night sky. You couldn't help but think about what your life was like before you entered the Glade. Did you like watching the night sky? Did you know how to flirt with boys? You glanced over at Newt and sighed. There was one thing that you remembered about your life and that was music. You couldn't think of any sort of specific song or words but you could remember certain melodies and tunes.

"You know what I remember about my life?" You asked suddenly, catching Newt's attention. "Music. I miss music."

"Music?" he repeated and you nodded.

"Hey! I've got another idea!" You announced abruptly, rounding on Newt.

"Dance with me!"

He looked at you as if you were crazy and shook his head. "I don't dance. Not with this bloody limp anyway."

"Oh, come on," you protested, standing to your feet. "It'll be fine."


"Yes! Dance with me, Newt!" You giggled, reaching down to grab his hands and pull him up.

Newt looked around awkwardly and then back at you, "To what music?"

"We don't need any," You insisted, flashing him a smirk. "Just follow me."

He looked at you skeptically but he let you take his hands and place them on your waist. You noticed he looked a bit more sober now and suddenly looked nervous as you rest your hands on his shoulders and pull him toward you. Then, you began to sway to the imaginary music but Newt was still tense. You smiled up at him and let your head rest on his shoulder and he slowly calmed down. He slid his hands lower to your hips and you couldn't help but smirk. You kept dancing but you were right - you didn't need any music. When your hands touched, your bodies collided, your eyes locked, your hearts began to beat faster. So you danced to the rhythm of your bounding hearts that seemed to ring in your ears.

"Y/N," Newt said quietly, catching your attention.


You looked up at him to see him struggling to form his words. Eventually he was able to spit them out. "I'm in love with you."

He blurted out the words so fast, you had almost missed them. You looked up at him and he turned a light shade of pink and looked down.

"I-I don't even know how I remember what that feeling is but with you... I feel so different," he went on, stammering over his words but not because of the moonshine but because of how nervous he was. "I feel amazing. I-I don't know. It's hard to put it into words but I know it feels right."

You swallowed the dry lump forming in your throat. "Really?"

You had stopped dancing but you didn't really think either of you noticed in that moment. Newt nodded firmly and you felt your heart skip a beat. His eyes flickered down as nervousness seemed to settle in. He was waiting for an answer but you didn't know what to say. Instead, you cupped the side of his face with your hand and brought his head closer to yours before smashing your lips to his. The movements came naturally for you even though you had no clue when you had last kissed someone and even though you and Newt were both drunk. Newt seemed surprised but it didn't take him long to adjust. He moved his mouth with yours and suddenly your lips were dancing perfectly just as you had been dancing before and the world seemed to fade away. This strange, confusing, new world you had all been thrown into vanished from your thoughts and you knew you wanted this more than life.

You pulled back from him and you looked at each other with wide eyes and heaving chests. Then, he was smiling and you couldn't help but reciprocate it.

"I take it you feel the same way?" Newt asked jokingly.

You rolled your eyes. "No, you shucking idiot."

The smile on his face widened and his eyes lit up at your teasing tone. He let out a tiny chuckle and found your hand, twining your fingers together.

"That's a relief. I was going crazy not telling you."

You were grinning hugely as you leaned up on the tip of your toes to kiss him again. Things in the Glade weren't always easy, but at least you had Newt and he always made you feel at home in this strange world


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