The Girl [2]

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Newt watched her every single move from across the field of grass. It had only been a few weeks she'd been here and she had done nothing but annoy the crap out of him. Although, she's finally remembered her name. (y/n). And he thought that her name was absolutely beautiful. It's just a shame that she gets on his nerves.

He gets snapped out of his thoughts when he hears a loud screech. He rolled his eyes, knowing who that screech belonged to. He watched (y/n) chase after Minho, her body wrapped in a towel. Minho was waving an unfamiliar piece of clothing in the air. He guessed that that was what she was chasing him for.

"Minho!" She screamed as the top of her lungs. "Give me the damn thing!"

"Not until you tell me what it is and what it does!" Minho laughed. He came to stop, head dropping to scan the piece of clothing in his hands. He held them up, specifically laying them down on his hands. "They look like cups, what the hell are these things?"

"They're called bras," she sneered, snatching the thing away from the boy. "It supports my boobs so they don't go flying around whenever I run from place to place. Like right now."

"I don't think the other boys mind if you don't wear one," Minho smirked, wriggling his eyebrows at you. "Or anything at all, really."

"Ew, you perv!" She shrieked, smacking Minho on the arm. She walked back into her room. Alby had given her his room, understanding that being the only girl filled with countless boys, a girl will be looking for some privacy, eventually.

After getting changed, she walked out of her room. Newt's gaze stayed on her every action, from her hair being blown away by the wind to her cracking her fingers by her side. It's like he couldn't resist her, yet she makes him want to rip out all of his hair.

His eyes narrowed down when she started talking to Gally, her loud, obnoxious laugh echoing. He walked towards the pair, hands clenched into fists by his side. When he finally got to the both of them, both turned to look at him with identical confused looks on their faces.

"Can we help you?" Gally asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Aren't you both supposed to be working?" Newt raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms across his chest as he waited for a response.

"We were just talking," (y/n) mumbled. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of his hammock today." She and Gally separated ways, both going back to work like Newt insisted.

For the rest of day, whenever she took a break, Newt was always there to cut off that break and make her go back to work. He was harsh, but even harsher when she was talking to a guy.

By the time it was , (y/n) was exhausted from extremely and unreasonable short breaks and working the whole day. She was tired of being Newt's punching bag — metaphorically, not literally. She knew being second in command was probably a tough job, but that didn't mean that he could take out all of his frustrations on her.

She walked towards the tables, a plate full of food in her hand. She groaned in frustration when she noticed that the only seat left vacant was the one next to Newt's. Hoping Newt would be understanding enough, she tapped his shoulder. He turned around with a smile, but it faded away once he realized it was her.


"Is this seat taken?" She asked politely. She really didn't want to argue with Newt. All she wanted to do was eat her dinner, take a quick and refreshing shower, then go to sleep. Her body was aching and her body had never been so demanding on getting to bed so soon before.

"Yeah," Newt mumbled. He turned back to the table, stuffing his mouth with some slices of sweet potato.

"Um," Minho started. "No, it isn't."

"You're right," Newt smirked, his head hung low just enough to hide it from (y/n). "I just really don't want to sit with her."

(y/n) decided she'd had enough of Newt's shit. She'd been around for 3 weeks and all the gladers had warmed up to her already. She had been nothing but kind and understanding towards Newt's situation but now was the time she's decided that she won't let Newt step all over her anymore.

She slammed her plate down onto the table, not caring whether it would break or not. "What the bloody shuck is your problem with me?" She yelled. She wasn't one for making scenes in front of the gladers, but she just couldn't take it anymore. "I've been here 3 weeks, almost 4 and you're the only bloody shank that hasn't warmed up to me yet! News flash, blondie, I'm not your punching bag who's gladly gonna take your frustrations whenever you feel like venting them out. I thought I was done trying to find out why you hate me so much, but I realized that no, I really want to know so I can fix whatever the hell your problem is with me."

Newt rolled his eyes, taking a sip out of his glass of water. "You're overreacting."

She shoved Newt, his chest hitting the edge of the table. He clenched his jaw and got up, turning around to face (y/n).

By now, the gladers haven't spoken a word. They were all too busy watching the scene in front of their very eyes.

"Well for one, let's with the fact that you're always in my shucking mind all the damn time!" Newt yelled. None of the gladers had ever heard Newt so frustrated. Her expression softened, lips apart. "That's right! You heard me! I can't get you out of my mind! Ever since I jumped into that box and saw you lying unconscious in there! I don't know why, but whenever I see you, my heart begins to race! Every single time you leave, every single time I see you happy with another guy, my heart feels like it's gonna explode! You drive me insane, (y/n)! You make me want to pull all of my damn hair out whenever you do something wrong! Yet, I still can't resist you. Especially the way you're so shucking nice to me all the time despite me being such a pain in the ass to you!"

"Nice of you to know that you're a huge pain in the ass, Newt," she nodded, shifting all her weight onto one leg.

"And the way you actually still talk to me and put up with my shit drives me insane! You make my blood boil, (y/n). But somehow, you've managed to have me wrapped around your finger." Newt's face was a bright shade of red, his hair all messy and his lips were in a frown. "You just- ugh!"

Before she could make another remark, Newt took a huge stride forward. He cupped her face and pressed his lips against hers roughly. She let out a soft squeal and pushed him away almost immediately.

She stared at him, horrified.

Okay, she couldn't deny how hot Newt looked all mad and flustered. But Newt couldn't just go around admitting feelings and crashing his lips against hers when all she wanted was an explanation as to why he hated her guts so much.

Before anyone knew it, she was already on her feet, sprinting off into the woods

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