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A/N: Okay, the school I am applying to is saying I am in the phase of like "Lottery" can someone explain to me what that means?!

Life is hard. Work is hard. School is hard. All I want is to run away from everything and everyone, and never come back. This last past year I've been in college, it's been stressful. Papers here, papers there. I just want to be done. Not to mention I haven't made the best most brightest decisions since my second year of college started. I've done things I wish I could take back. The one thing I want is a Time Machine. A time machine so I can travel back in time, and start this year over. Make things right.
While I was thinking, I sat on my bed bundled in a fuzzy polka-dotted blanket in my apartment, crying. Rain was pouring outside, pounding against the glass windows. My phone kept vibrating, but I didn't want to pick it up. I already knew who it was. It was my boyfriend, Thomas. We've been dating ever since I started my first year of college. College. I didn't want to tell Thomas how stressed I was. I didn't want to tell him what's been going on. I just want to forget about it.

I don't like to tell people what's going on. I always keep my feelings bottled up inside. No matter what it is. When I was little, I was never the type of person to tell people what's going on. If I needed to cry, I would. By myself. I never let people see me cry. When I did something wrong, the reason I didn't tell people was because I would think they thought different of me. So telling Thomas what's been going on, why I'm so stressed, made me sick to my stomach. 

Whole tears stained my pale cheeks, I stood up from my bed, and walked toward the bathroom. Even though Thomas has been trying to get a hold of me, I knew he would be home soon. I turned the sink on and washed my face. I put mascara on and foundation to make myself less pale, and look like I hadn't been crying. I brushed my teeth, and grabbed the brush, brushing my long hair that looked like a birds nest. Getting the knots out, I threw it up in a loose messy bun. Making sure I looked okay, I walked out of the bathroom and towards our closet we shared. Thomas always kept his stuff on the left side, I always kept mine on the right. 

Grabbing one of his old hoodies, I chucked my mascara stained white t-shirt in the corner, and put it on. It was warm and smelt exactly like he did. While looking outside the window watching the rain, I couldn't help but want to cry again and curl up in a ball. Looking around the bedroom, I noticed all the tissues I used scattered on the floor, and the bed. Cleaning those up quickly, I also fixed the wrinkles in the bed, and folded the blanket neatly. 

Before I could clean anything else, I heard the front door close, and Thomas raspy voice. "Y/N?" I froze instantly, and looked at myself in the body mirror making sure I looked okay. I cleared my throat, hopping I sounded okay. "I'm in the bedroom!" Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs I switched on the mini television and flopped on the bed, making it look like I was watching TV.

Thomas came through the door, looking as handsome as ever, with a smile on his face. "Hey, why haven't you been answering my texts?" He collapsed on the bed beside me kissing me on the cheek. He grabbed my hands and started playing with them. I cleared my throat again. "Oh, I turned my phone off. Just wanted to have a lazy day." I watched him look up at me confused. "Are you sick?" He put his warm hand on my forehead and I giggled. "No, no I'm just tired." He kept looking at me, and I almost thought I would break.

"Are you sure? Your voice is cracking, and you look really pale." I shook my head no. "No. I promise I'm not sick, I'm just tired." I watched him nod his head hesitantly. "Alright, then let's go get some coffee or something." He wrapped his arms around my waist and started to kiss my neck. His warm lips left Goosebumps on my skin making me shiver. I unwrapped his arms from my waist, and stood up.

"Actually I was thinking we could just watch a movie. I don't feel like doing anything." Thomas stood up following me as I was watching to the kitchen. I felt his arms reach and grab my waist pulling me back and into his body. "Whoa. What's wrong? Are you okay? You never refuse coffee, especially on a rainy Tuesday." I cracked a smile, even though it was fake, and nodded. "Yeah, I just thought we could watch a movie." Thomas cocked one of his perfect eyebrows and frowned. 

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now