Never Leaving You

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(Your POV)

Why? Why did I have to argue with Newt? It was stupid. We were fighting over the fact that we hardly get to see each other anymore because of him being a runner. I get that he's trying to help find a way out of this place but a simple hello would be nice to hear every so often.

Now it's almost night time and the walls are about to close and he's still not back. I keep replaying our fight in my head and I'm regretting ever having opened my mouth.

"Do you not want us to get out of here Y/N?" Newt shouted. "I'm trying to make this better! So you and I can be happier outside of here! Is that not what you want?"

"Newt! I know, I do but-" I tried reasoning.

"No, just.. No Y/N." That was the last thing Newt said before storming out of the hut we shared. Now he's in the Maze and I'm worried as hell.


(Newt's POV)

I need to get out. I need to get out of the bloody maze and get back to Y/N. I won't accept that stupid fight being the last conversation I ever had with her.

I'm lost and don't have a clue where I am. I had run into a pack of Griever's and dropped my notebook with my map. I don't even know what sector I'm in now.

Turning a corner I see a Griever at the end of the path. My breath quickens and a long vine loosely hanging from the wall catches my eye. Instantly, I start climbing it. Using all the strength I have left, I swing to try and get around the Griever. I jump from the vine and land harshly on my shoulder, my head banging on the pavement.

Shakily, I manage to get up and run a few steps around the next corner to see the opening of the walls. Y/N's standing in the opening screaming my name as I fall to the ground.

Everything goes black.


(Your POV)

Just when I think that all hope is lost, I see a shaky Newt emerge from around the corner. He's jogging slowly towards the exit and suddenly collapses.

Without thinking, I'm sprinting towards him. "Shucking hell, WAKE UP!" I'm screaming and crying at the same time. I grab his arm and start to drag him towards the opening. I'm halfway through when the walls start to close. Oh no. No no no no no.

"Y/N! I've got you!" I hear Minho yell as he rushes to my side and helps pull Newt through the opening as the walls finish closing. The other boys are soon rushing to help and carry Newt to the med-jacks hut.

Newt's laying on a bed in the hut and I'm sitting beside him watching Clint change the bandage on his head. Newt's still unconscious.

"Why isn't he awake yet? It's been 2 days Clint." I say tears running down my face.

"It's a coma Y/N, we never know how long it takes to come out of. Just wait." He says, giving my shoulder a small squeeze of assurance and leaves me alone with Newt.

I slowly grab his hand and lay my head on his chest. "Babe, I don't know if you can hear me right now, but I've loved you since you first showed me around the Glade. I love you and I need you. You can't leave me here alone..." Tears are running down my face onto Newt and I lift my head to kiss his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow babe. Goodnight."


It's been 2 weeks since Newt's accident and he still hasn't woken up. Every day I've visited him, praying to see some sign of life.

Today I lazily slouch into his room after dinner, tired from all the work today. I sit in the chair and grab Newt's hand. Suddenly, he gasps for air and sits up, panting. He quickly scans the room till his eyes fall on me. "Y/N! Honey, you shouldn't have gone into the bloody Maze!" He exclaims hugging me tightly. Tears start rolling down my cheeks as he continues speaking. "I'm so sorry about the stupid fight. I should've just been there for you. I'll always be here, I promise." I could tell his voice was shaky as he was now crying.

"No, no Newt don't apologize. I get why you go into the Maze, you're doing your job. I'm sorry for causing such a problem. I'll always be here too." I say as I pull away from the hug.

Newt cups my face with his hands. "I'm never leaving you. I love you Y/N." He says and softly kisses me.

"I'm never leaving you either. I love you too." I say kissing him back. Newt grabs my waist as I wrap my hands around his neck.

All of a sudden, Minho bursts into the room. "Woah! Newt, shuck I didn't know you-"

"Minho! Get out of here you shank!" Newt yells, obviously blushing. Minho rolls his eyes and walks out of the hut.

"Now, were were we?" Newt says pulling you into him.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now