Love Me Harder

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Sighing, you rested your chin against your clenched fist and stared into the distance. You couldn't hide your feelings anymore. No one knew about your stupid secret and you just wanted to blurt it out to anyone and everyone. Just keeping it locked away frustrates the living daylights, especially when it's extremely worse than a crush. Even you couldn't deny these feelings that you were in love wi-

"Hey Y/n! What's with the long face?" Your thoughts were interrupted by your best friend, who looked at you with a confused expression. His dirty blonde hair dishevelled by the wind, with his cheeks rosy and flustered from the cool summer breeze. You then gazed down to his outfit and you swear you felt yourself drool as he wore a navy suit, hugging his body slightly.


"I- uh- I'm fine Thomas, why wouldn't I be?" You stuttered, looking anywhere but him, trying your best to avoid eyeing your best friend again.

Thomas took a seat next to you on the wooden bench in his back garden, and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Well, can't have my best friend sad for the party tonight, can we?" He replied, chuckling and you couldn't help but laugh with him. "Do you have a dress for tonight?"

You nodded and looked up at him who gave you a smug grin. "Well, do I not get any details or are you going to leave me hanging?" He teased.

Letting out a gasp, you nudged his shoulder slightly and muttered, "Idiot."

"Well, I take that I will see you tonight, Y/n." He said, placing a light kiss to the side of your head and stalking off back to his house, leaving you dazed and flustered.

Yes, you were definitely without a doubt in love with Thomas Brodie-Sangster.

"Thank you ever so much Bruno." You said to your driver, who grinned at you through the review mirror.

"No problem Y/n and you look absolutely stunning as always." He replied, smiling. You quickly thanked him before exiting the car and gazing up at the building, which was all glammed up with red carpets, fancy decorations and paparazzi. Tucking a loose curl behind your ear, you hiked up your dress slightly as you made your way up the steps.

As you entered the building, you couldn't help but gasp. Extravagant chandeliers, giant staircases, rows of tables and a fancy dance floor.

Thomas really did well this time, you thought.

Speaking of the devil, you spotted your best friend making his way over towards you almost tauntingly as he wore a light smirk. He looked dashing, with his grey suit and his hair sleek but messy. Thomas' eyes trained to your long, red silk dress which hugged your curves tightly and flowed straight to the floor. With his stare heating you up, you shuffled slightly in your heels.

"You look beautiful, Y/n." Thomas finally said, giving you a hug.

"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself Sangster." You replied, smiling.

He released you and led you down the stair case and introduced you to his friends. Thomas suddenly leaned down and you felt his warm breath fanning the side of your face, almost making your heart leap out of chest. "Save me a dance later?" He whispered.

"Of course."

The party was going on full blast downstairs but you stood alone on the balcony and stared into the night sky. The nights breeze kissed your skin letting the goosebumps rise and making you shiver slightly.

"Y/n, my dear what are you doing up here?" A voice startled you making you turn around, seeing Thomas' mother eyeing you curiously.

"I decided that i needed a little fresh air." You replied, with a smile as she stood next you.

"Well Y/n, I never got to thank you." Thomas' mother began but you looked at her with furrowed brows.

"For what?"

"For taming my little boy." She answered, chuckling. "You see, I've never seen him look at a lady the way he looks at you. And even if you can't see it, He's in love with you Y/n and i know that you're good for him."

You stared at her, shocked.

Thomas is in love with me?

You quickly shook your head, "It can't be true, surely it cant."

She gave you a small smile and placed a hand on your shoulder, "I see that you're in love with him too." She whispered, as if i was the only one who was supposed to hear it and with that, she trotted back inside the house leaving my emotions completely messed up.

With you trying to catch your breath as if you've ran a marathon, you held the railings tightly and closed your eyes, until a voice one again interrupted your thoughts.


You swiftly turned around to see Thomas, looking at you but strangely with a faraway look in his dark orbs. He slid his hands into his pockets, making his way over to you whilst looking into the darkness with only the moon as the source of light. "It's beautiful isn't it?"

You nodded, feeling your cheeks flare up by his close proximity. "It is."

Thomas then let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair and gazed down at you. "Look about what my Mother said-"

You let out a cough and stared up at him with wide eyes, "You heard?"

He nodded, "Everything." He paused before capturing his bottom lip with his front teeth. "You see Y/n. What my Mum said- i-it's not true. I'm not in love with you."

Your heart sunk and you teared your eyes away from him. Tears threatened to spill but you began to blink rapidly, trying your best to stop them. Thomas then wrapped his hand around your wrist and hauled you away from the edge of the balcony. You gave him a questionable look.

"I don't want the paps to see us together because you're an ordinary girl and I'm a-"

"A celebrity, i get it. You're embarrassed to be seen with me." You interrupted, gulping, feeling your heart being torn open by his words.

Thomas cleared his throat, "Well, I'll be downstairs if you need me. Will you stay for my speech later on?" He asked, and you could feel his gaze on you but you continued to stare into the distance.

"Of course I will." You replied, giving him a quick look.

"Great! See you in a bit." And with that he left you alone.Completely oblivious to what he has done to you. He broke you and he didn't even notice.

Biting your trembling lip, you rubbed your arm as you thought back at what he said.

I'm not in love with you.

Not being able to take it anymore, you allowed the warm tears to roll down your cheeks as you sniffed quietly to yourself.He doesn't love you, never have and never will. Why would he anyways? He even said you were too normal for him, you thought.

Wiping your tears, you began to make your way down the stairs with Thomas saying his special speech with everyone laughing at his jokes. Quickly and quietly, you headed straight towards the front door and whilst giving one last look back, you noticed Thomas' frown as he watched you.

"Y/n, is everything alright?" Bruno asked, concern written all over his face.

You shook your head as you entered the car. "No Bruno, everything is not alright."

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now