I'm On My Period

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" Y/N! " I turn around to see this British boy running towards me. His blonde hair is just amazing even if it's messy. He frowned. He's famous expression. I am really inlove with my boyfriend and I can't deny it.

" Why are you bloody staring at me, love? " he asked. I rolled my eyes. " I'm not! You called me." I said. I really wished he didn't noticed me drooling at him.

" Oh yeah. Alby is looking for ya." He said I nodded and jog towards the homestead.

" Newt told me that you are looking for me." I said. Alby tossed something luckily I caught it and It's a box of tampons. Luckily Alby's like a big brother to me. I needed it. I have a period now and my tampons are running out and I am so relieved the supply box arrived today. I smiled and said thanks to him as I went to my room and when I was about to put it in my closet.

" What's that?" I heard his British accent again. This time I felt hot and my face turning red. " No-nothing. " I tried to hide it on my back.

" What is it?" He asked and he caught my hand and raised it up. He saw the box of tampons and examined it. " What is this for?" He asked while looking. " I said nothing! Why are you so~ ugh! Forget it." I said and walk away. I'm not on my best mood right now. I just sat and laid my back to the tree trunk behind me.

I smiled at chuck while he runs towards me. I pat his head and he removed my hand. " Don't do that to me Y/n! I'm not a dog." He hissed. " Alright! Alright. I'm sorry." I giggled. I really love chuck as my baby brother.

" What is so funny about this shuck face?" I rolled my eyes. " What is it to you Newt?" He frowned and I can see in his face that he is worried about something.

" What is wrong with you love? Why are you angry to me all day long." He asked. I bit my lips. I'm not in my mood to explain everything. This shucking period is making me crazy. It's messing with my mood all day long. I just looked away. I felt his fingers in my chin and make me faced him.

" What's the problem my love?" He asked. I can see his concern but there is something inside me that I don't want to talk to him and I am irritated to him. I really hate having periods. " I said nothing." I stood up and marched towards the kitchen. Maybe I'll just help frypan in cooking our lunch. Minho didn't want me to run today knowing I have a period. Only Minho and Alby knows about this.

I don't want them to know because there will be too much questions and they will treat me like I'm useless just like what Minho did to me. I wanted to run but Minho said I might have cramps and maybe I can't etc. I hate it!

" Hey frypan. Want some help?" I said. " Yeah. Thanks y/n." He said and I helped him cooking. After cooking lunch I head towards the garden as I saw Newt doing something there. I went to him and smiled at him.

" Hi love." I said and he looked at me confused.

" What is bloody happening to you. Earlier this morning you are angry with me and now you are smiling." He said as he continued doing his work.

" Mood Swings?" I said and bit my lips.

" Mood swings? Why? Are you not feeling well?" He asked. I smiled.

" I'm fine don't worry about me. Let's go grab some lunch." I said. He put down his things and went to the kitchen with me. His hands locked on mine and I can feel the eyes of the other gladers looking at us. I just feel embarrassed and let go of his hands but he didn't let me and held it tighter. Hs kissed my knuckles and I feel my face turning red.

After eating I just felt the pain building up in my abdomen. Am I having my Menstrual Cramps again? I bit my lips and I can feel more pain.

" Are you okay?" Newt asked. I looked at him and I nodded but I twitched. " You are not. I'll bring you to clint."

" No. Just bring me to my room." I said. I stood up and he suddenly picked me up in a wedding style that made my face red.

He gently placed me to my bed. I groaned because of pain and I can see that he panicked.

" Are you sure you're okay? Do you need something?" He asked nervously. " Yeah. Maybe just get me some hot compress." I told him and he rushed to clint to ask for it. When he came back I placed it in my abdomen and I feel somehow the pain relieving.

" What's wrong with you?" He asked. I smiled. " Don't worry. This is quite normal during my monthly period. Cramps, cravings, mood swings etc. " i said.

" Monthly period?" I can sense his confusion in his voice. I let out a laugh. " Yeah. The thing with the girls. It's a monthly thing actually. And it's normal so don't worry." I said.

" Okay. Don't worry. I'll just be here beside you. Ask me anything you want okay?" He said. He stayed for the rest of the day. We just talked about everything and cuddled. Well. Having a period is not bad at all.


My laptop is like destroyed now, so I won't be uploading as often. Send in requests and yeah, I now really don't care where you put the requests but yeah.

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