How To Break A Heart

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A/N: I should be getting ready for school, but instead i'm in bed writing Imagines because I'm bored.

You watched as he slowly walked up to you, his head was down and you knew that he had nothing good to say... yet you still waited to hear it, to hear the one thing you knew would change you completely. You watched as his head lifted, his cheeks were damp with tears and his eyes were rimmed with the colour red.

"What is it, Thomas?" You asked, your voice sounded calmed than you had expected it to. Every part of you was falling apart on the inside, yet your voice made you sound like you weren't fraying away.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." He said through a shaky breath, his accent was thicker because of his tears, but you weren't listening to that, your ears were trained on the words he was saying. "It was a mistake, I was drunk and I just went to drop her off at home... when she invited me in I wanted to say no."

"If you wanted to say no, Thomas, you would have." You said, your eerily calm voice wavered only for a moment. You smiled at him through everything you felt inside, you smiled and softly said "Thomas, it's okay... forget about it."

"Forget about it?" He asked, completely shocked. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... forget about it. I'm going to." You said even though you knew deep down, this would never be forgotten. He broke your heart, you would never forget that, forget the guy who broke your heart. You smiled again and looked him in the eyes. "I'm going to go, I'll see you around."

"What? Y/N wait, where are you going?!" He asked, watching as you turned to walk away. His hand flew out to grab your wrist, like you knew it would, so you pulled your hand forward in time to escape his grasp.

You looked over your shoulder at him one last time, and this time it was honest. Your eyes gave away your heartbreak, they gave away every broken feeling you had inside you. He knew now what he had done, just from the one honest look, he knew that what he did was unforgivable.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as you turned away and kept walking, there was nothing he could do. He wanted to go after you, and really try to make you forgive him, but how could he ask you to do that? How could he? He broke your heart, and now it was time he broke his own. So that's what he did, as he let you walk away from him, breaking his heart with every step you took.

He watched you disappear down the street, he watched until you couldn't see you, and he watched long after. Everything was still around him. He took a deep breath before he closed his eyes, letting it out with a deep groan that soon turned into tears again.

"You fuck up," he said to himself, he threw his fist to a brick wall, he didn't feel it. He smashed both his hands into the walls, begging to feel something other than this, but he couldn't. Only the slow breaking of his heart filled his body, and he knew this was the pain he deserved... and he would feel it for the rest of his life.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now