Love Is Everything

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Snuggled under the layers of blanket that were wrapped tightly around me, I looked at the frost and snowflakes that had gathered on the bedroom window, observing and admiring every single detail of its beautiful features. Silence was floating around the house as I continued laying in bed, still half awake from the depth of sleep. Outside, I could hear excited squeals and screams of children as they got out of their house ready to play in the winter wonderland that was decorated in snow and I smiled to myself as I recalled my past childhood memories.

Of how I used to be like them when I was younger, screaming and running around the halls and jumping up and down and the thoughts of presents but now as I laid in bed, I was nowhere near the jubilee spirits that Christmas would normally bring to everyone. I shifted to my side so that my back was now facing the window and sighed to myself sadly, as I looked at the empty side of the bed where I would usually find Thomas sleeping in. His absence was the reason why I felt so depressed and as if I was a wraith drifting through the streets and the world. It was the first Christmas that I would be spending in my shared house with Thomas and with his absence, the house and me was just sad and lonely and just missing the Christmas spirit that could be found in every house.

Closing my eyes and deciding that I should catch up with sleep before facing the dreadful day, the sounds of little bells ringing and heading towards the direction of the room echoed around the house, breaking the tense silence. What was that? I opened my eyes and immediately sat up, confused with my hair in a mess. I leaned against the headboard and listened attentively to the sounds of the bells again but nothing. I scratched my head in confusion and eyed the light that was coming from underneath the door but there wasn't any shadows that moved. I cocked my head to the side and sighed, flopping my arms down onto the comforter covering me.

Great, great, first I'm flashbacking to childhood memories and now I'm imagining things. What a splendid way to begin Christmas morning, mind.

Then just as I began sliding down the covers to escape from the light that was pouring through the window, the sounds of bells ringing sounded again but this time it was louder and definitely closer. And, I was definitely wasn't imagining it but where could it be coming from when there wasn't a single soul available in my house except me? I slowly crawled out of bed, determined to be quiet so that whoever was in my house wouldn't hear me, and slowly dragged myself across the floor and towards the door, acting as if I was in an action or horror movie.

I positioned myself against the wall that was beside the door then waited, listening to the continuous ringing of bells. It got closer and closer the longer I sat there and finally deciding that I needed to see who was the one behind the ringing, I braced my hands on the cool metal doorknob of the door before pulling it open. And there, crawling on the floor of my house with a small green collar that had bells attached to it, was an adorable grey kitten playing with a random string of yarn.

My guards that I had put up thinking that it could have been a burglar in my house was immediately dropped at the sight of the kitten in front of me and I couldn't help but move towards it. It stopped playing with the yarn the moment it realized that someone was staring at it then meowed at me when it looked up. I felt my heart melt just at the sight of it and even more, when it circled me before nuzzling its head against my legs. Smiling at the kitten, I picked it up from where it laid then cuddled it in my arms, not hesitating to stroke its fur that was soft and smooth.

" Hello little guy, where did you come from?" I asked softly, playing with the bells that was on the collar that it wore. It meowed at me as a response to my question even though I highly doubt it understood what I just asked before cuddling its head against my arm then proceeding to purr. I continued to stroke its fur before scratching it behind its ears. I watched as it looked at me looking at it and I let out a happy sigh.

" Well, at least you're here to keep me company today. C'mon, little guy, lets get go get you something to eat or drink," I told it, figuring it would be at least a little thirsty, before I made my way down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

The house was decorated with d all sorts of Christmas decorations that could be found. The living room's fireplace had various stockings hung above it and the couch that was stationed right in front of the television had different fluffy pillows and throw blankets placed on top of it for an extra coziness. The windows had little Christmas lights placed above it that would light every night and the Christmas tree that was placed at the corner of the room and shone out from the other decorations, was covered in small adorable ornaments ranging from the usual balls to the candy cane like ones. I continued stroking the little kitten's fur as I walked towards the kitchen but stopped in my tracks when I beheld what was in front of the Christmas Tree. I felt my heart stop beating before it started again.

There standing in front of the lit-up tree was Thomas with a huge bow on his head and a smile plastered on his face. He was dressed in his cream colored sweater that I loved so much with the collar of the blouse he wore underneath peaking out. His dirty blonde hair that was tousled in a disheveled mess, probably because he ran his hand through it multiple times was, had a huge bright red bow placed on top of it and his dark brown bambi eyes were regarding me with a spark of happiness in them. Thomas smiled at me as I stood in front of him, mouth open as if I was a goldfish who was still shell shocked. He chuckled once he realised that I wasn't going to start moving any time soon and opened his arms for me. " Merry Christmas, love"

I didn't hesitate or even gave a thought before I dropped the kitten down onto the floor and bolted straight into Thomas's arms. He embraced me into one of his many bear hugs that he would give me usually and I clung onto him just like a koala would to its tree. I smiled through the tears that fell down my cheek, knowing that finally I felt like I was back home. His warmth, his familiar scent of cologne that he would always wear and the way it felt to be in his arms. Oh, how I missed it all so much after not being able to be with him for weeks. Thomas and I both stood there right in front of the Christmas tree, hugging for god knows how long before he finally pulled away to see me wiping away my salty tears with the sleeves of my sweater.

" How are you home? I.. I thought you had to be in New Mexico to shoot for the Scorch Trials movie?" I asked softly, my voice suddenly hoarse. Thomas chuckled then tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear before cupping my face in his hands.

" (Y/N), its Christmas. Do you honestly think Wes would be that cruel to hold us back and not let us fly back to visit the ones we love?" Thomas replied, smiling brightly at me as I sniffled back the remains of my tears. I shook my head in disbelief and smiled right back at Thomas, grateful for him to be finally home again.

" Oh shut up, Thomas." I fired back at him then giggled before wrapping my arms around his neck and and kissing him. His lips were soft and gentle as they moved against mine, and Thomas for some weird reason tasted like peppermint but not that I was complaining about it. I felt Thomas wrapped his arms around my waist and I grinned against the kiss, taking in joy to feel the familiar sparks flying around us. It felt as if little fireworks from the forth of july were exploding underneath my skin as we continued kissing, not caring about the time that passed. Our lips moved together like they were dancing in sync and soon when I was nearly out of breath, I pulled away and rested my forehead against his, panting.

" Love, there still are many more presents left that needs to be unwrapped you know? " Thomas whispered under his breath, grinning at me as he watched me watching him. I nuzzled my nose against his and smiled.

" Tommy, you coming home for Christmas is already the best thing I could get as a present."

" Really?" Thomas raised his eyebrows at me in disbelief.

" Okay, well you are placed in second position right behind the cat," I whispered, jokingly and nearly burst into a fit of laughter when I felt the little furball trying to fit itself in between me and Tommy and pushing both of us apart though its efforts to no avail. Thomas looked down at the kitten that was battling against our bodies that were both laid together before smirking back at me.

" Stupid bloody cat, I should have gotten you something else."

I laughed before pulling in Thomas for another kiss. After a year of waiting, I finally felt like I was back at home and I knew it wasn't just because that I was situated at home. It was because Thomas was finally back and all the other presents that I got for Christmas that year was nothing compared to him just being at home with me to celebrate the joyful holiday. 

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