Coffee Shop

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I look around the small coffee shop, at the late nighters and college students needing the extra caffeine. It's almost 12 am, and the city is quite quiet for once. I'm one of two girls working the late shift tonight, as I do three other nights a week. It's interesting to see the kind of people who wonder into the shop in the early hours of the morning. You learn a lot about a person by how they have their 2 am coffee.

This particular night, we've only had three customers since 10, which was when my shift started. One college girl, studying franticly and looking rather stressed ( I gave her a free cup cake with her 3 shots of coffee...) a business man on his laptop, typing away with a emotionless look on his face ( he ordered two short blacks and one latte over the two and a half hours he sat there) and a girl, who just popped in to buy some cake. it's been a pretty boring night.

At about 12:30 am, the business man left, leaving a standard sized tip, and the college girl fell asleep on her laptop ( I cleared her table and woke her, telling her she should probably go home "get some sleep, and come back in the morning. Free cup of coffee for ya, on the house") leaving me alone with the other girl on the late shift. ( her name was Mandy) we sat around, drank coffee and did absolutely nothing until about 1:30 am, when the bell above the door rang, and the door swang open.

A tall boy walked in, he had dirty-blonde hair and was wearing a green jacket, and jeans. He looked awfully familiar, but I couldn't remember where I'd seen him before. He takes a seat in a booth, and I look over at Mandy, who has fallen asleep. Great. I get to serve the cute guy.

"Hello." I say, smiling at him "Can I get you anything?" I ask, just like I'm supposed to. He chuckles, looking me in the eye.

"Awfully late shift." He says to me, smirking cutely before looking down at the menu and ordering a coffee and some cake.

"I'll be right back with your order." I say, blushing a little for who knows why.

Five minutes later, I return with his order,, and he thanks me kindly. I go to leave, but he stops me.

"What's your name?" I slowly turn around, and smile at him shyly.

" y/n..." I reply quietly.

"Well y/n, I'm Thomas. Now I know that this place is totally buzzing with customers at the moment, but I wonder if you would want to sit and have a chat with me." he said, with the little smirk on his face again. I giggle and blush some more, before sitting down on the opposite side of the booth.

"So Thomas," I say, "What brings you to our little coffee shop so early in the morning?"

"Couldn't sleep. And this place does some of the best cake" he said, plopping a bit of his cake into his mouth, before offering some to me. I reply with a head shake and a little smile.

" you have very pretty eyes." He says to me, and I blush as red as a tomatoe and mutter thanks while I play with my fingers. " so I would imagine it would be very dull having the night shift at a coffee shop. What kind of things do you guys get up to this late at night?"

I start talking about all the weird and funny things I've seen working the late shifts at the shop. He smiles, and listens, and laughs, and tell me stories how rude some late night employees can be. I laugh and say that I try to do quite the opposite, because who wants to come across someone rude this early in the morning? No one.

" Do you come here often? You just seem familiar..." I say, frowning a little. He chuckles, like he knows a big secret and it's so funny that I don't know.

"What!" I say, laughing with him.

"Nothing, you're just cute that's all."

I make us more coffee, and he insists on seeing how I make it. he's laughing and gasping the whole time. Apparently he doesn't know how to use actual coffee machines, when he makes himself coffee, it's always instant.

For the next hour, we talk and laugh about a whole load of random things. After a while, we get onto a game of 20 questions.

" okay, favourite book?" I don't have to think for a second to answer that one.

"The Maze Runner by James Dashner!! I read it a couple years ago and it really is what go me onto reading. Infact I just heard that it's being made into a movie." I said, quite excited to be talking about something I'm passionate about. I look at Thomas, and see his eyebrows are raised and he's smiling.

"What?!" I ask, he chuckles and just shakes his head.

"Nothing, nothing. I've just read that book too. Who's your favourite character?" he asks.

"hmm... I'd have to say newt." I say, nodding sadly. He blushed and started laughing again

"Really? Wow. Mine too. " he laughs, the corners of his eyes scrunching with his smile.

"Okay, my turn to ask you a question.... Hmmm" I say, thinking about what I could ask him. "What do you do? For a living I mean." He smiles slightly.

"Oh nothing much. I do a little acting and stuff here and there. No biggy." I stare at him, slightly shocked. An actor aye. That's interesting.

"Really? What have you been in? anything I might have seen?"

"Maybe. Probably not. It doesn't matter." Suddenly my phone beeps and I take it out and unlock it. just a Tumblr notification. I lay it down on the table, but before I lock it, he gets a glance of my home screen and lock screen.

"Fan of Game of thrones I see?" he asks, and chuckles again. "What season are you up to?

"Just started season three." I say, "Do you watch the show?" he smiles while taking a sip from his cup.

"Yeah sometimes." He smiles. I look outside, and see that the sun is starting to come up. Shit! How long have we been talking? It's been hours.

I check my watch, 6:15 am. my shift ended and hour ago.

"Shit, my shift is over. Sorry I'm gonna have to leave you."

"Wait! I was wondering, if you might want to go for breakfast?" he asked as I stood from the booth.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now