Hidden Love

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I flopped down onto the plushy sofa that was placed right in the middle of the living room, sighing to myself in relief at the acknowledgement of completing the very last homework that was on my list before the weekend. In the background, calm instrumental music was playing softly as I laid on top of the soft fluffy cushions with my eyes closed, enjoying the ambiance that my house provided. I could here the loud pitter patter of the rain outside as the heavy droplets fell from the sky and landed on the ground, as well as the loud whistling wind that sounded along.

Not far away from me where my fireplace was stationed, the flames of the fire that were trying to reach for the sky was slowly turning the log of wood into pieces of soft grey ashes as its bright sun- like flames invaded it, the sound of it crackling echoing softly. Sitting on top of the coffee table, two huge Bath and Body works candles were lit up with a steady flame, giving off the strong aromatic scent of Twilight woods that floated around the house. The environment was peaceful, cozy and comfortable in fact, and it would have been so easy to just fall into the depths of sleep right there and then as I laid there on the couch.

I could feel my eyes slowly being heavy lidded as I laid there with an arm placed above my head, my self consciousness slowly drifting its way to snoozeville as I felt my mind spinning around slowly. Loud bangs being pounded on the door pierced through the peaceful atmosphere like a knife all of a sudden, and I was immediately jolted out of my sleep and rolling off the couch in shock. I landed on top of the soft furry carpet with loud thud, and could feel the aching that began to blossom in my head once I got up. Making my way to the front door swiftly, I rubbed the aching pain that was left on my head with smooth circle rotations and placed my hands on the cool metal doorknob once the banging got louder.

Irritation was slowly being written on my face as the banging became consistent and the only thing that was running through my head was goddamn it, can whoever is banging be a little less impatient and have mercy on my innocent front door. As I twisted the door knob and pulled it open, I was already planning the words that I had in mind to whoever was outside but that all stopped and vanished into thin air when my eyes was meet with the sight in front of me. It was as if my heart was quickly floating up to the top of the sky like a rocket being launched before falling onto earth and shattering into a million pieces as I beheld the sight in front of me.

I didn't know which feelings were dominating me as I just stood there, silent,with my hands that were placed by my side starting to shake.

Newt's eyes, the ones that never failed to provide me with comfort and love, were red and bloodshot, nowhere near the familiar dark browns ones that I loved so much. The edges of his eyes were swollen and puffy, immediately giving away the fact that he had been crying, and the lenses of his eyes were glossy with the the tears that brimmed at the edges of his eyes. Pain was etched all over his face as he stood there, silent, and I watched with the feeling of devastation and shock as the remaining tears rolled down his face and fell onto the edges of the sweater that he wore. I didn't know where to look first, from the swollen redness of his eyes to the way he seemed as if the entire world of his had just plunged into pitch black darkness. The cogs in my mind were spinning at a pace that was so fast that neither did I thought it was even possible as I took in Newt who was right in front of me. His usual fluffy dirty blonde hair was now wet and sticking in all directions. It didn't take long for me to piece the puzzles together that he had been yanking or running his fingers through his hair repeatedly for the past few hours.

His clothes were soaking wet from the rain that was pouring down and as we stood there, staring at each other in the eye with silence the only thing being passed between us, all I could focus on was the sick and painful feeling of how Newt was hurting really badly inside and at the moment, it killed me to see him being this sad and depressed. I could hear the remains of his sobs breaking the silences that reverberated in the air and with each passing second, both my mind and heart were being plunged into complete darkness. No words were popping up in my mind like they usually would and all of sudden, nothing mattered anymore, and everything around me turned into a muffled sound. The only thing that my mind and heart could focus on was Newt who was in front of me, the love of my life.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now