After Thought

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The day was bright, the sun peeking through the clouds, obscuring it slightly, but still letting it give of a pale, gentle light. Random springs of flowers shooting up around the edge of the paved path. The wind whistled through the trees gently, not eerie enough to be scary though. Wandering along the meandering path, you were lost in your own thoughts. About what, you had no idea, but they were your thoughts, so you did what you wished with them. Aimlessly you swung your parasol side to side and in circles still wandering why you had brought it with you.

Whilst wandering along you spotted a familiar figure was coming towards you, cap in hand, face smudged with dirt and grime, face deep in thought as they came along the path. The two of you nearly clashed with each other, on account of the fact that he wasn't looking where he was going. But you didn't mind; in fact you were quite glad that you had come across this particular person. You needed to speak to him, and you needed to speak to him before anything got out of your control. Before anyone could get hurt.

"Hey Thomas," you greeted him, cheerfully, although what you wanted to tell him was far from cheerful.

"Afternoon, miss," he told you formally. Too formally in fact. He and you had been in a relationship for nearly a year now, but it was a secret. The only other person who was the housekeeper, so that Thomas could get time off easily, and the good this was that she didn't think that it was wrong that two people from completely different classes were in a relationship together. In fact, it almost seemed as if she encouraged it.

"For god's sake Thomas. You know you don't have to call me that. Besides were alone now," you informed him.

He looked around him, almost comically, surveying the landscape, checking for any people who may be lurking in the surrounding trees. "And so there isn't," confirming what you had said, "So, how's it going y/n?" he asked you as if you hadn't seen each other in a long time.

"Not bad, you?"

"You know, work, work and more work," he smiled at you, whilst you giggled, "and thinking of you, of course." He added which made you blush and you looked at the ground in an attempt to hide your flaming cheeks. But then sadness overcame you, about the news that you had to tell him. It must have shown on your face. "What's wrong y/n?" he asked gently, tilting your face up so that he could see your eyes. When you didn't -couldn't- answer he lightly pressed his lips against yours, in an attempt to cheer you up. But it didn't; it only made it worse. You could feel a single teardrop glide down your cheek, and Thomas brought a thumb to your cheek to wipe the tear off. "Tell me, y/n. Tell me what's wrong."

This is it you have to tell him, "Thomas, there is something that I need to tell you,"no turning back now, "My father told me last week that...that..." you choked on the words that you had to tell him, as you began to sob, and more tears seeped onto your skin. "That's there's going to be a wedding in a few months."

"Who's wedding?" he asked, oblivious to the fact that it was going to be yourwedding.

"Mine, Thomas." You took in a deep breath, "Mine and Lord Dylan. I'm sorry." His face looked crestfallen, and guilt gnawed at your stomach. You wished that you hadn't told him, but you did because it felt wrong to sneak around with Thomas, when you would be married to someone else in just a few months.

"He can't make you .... No....Why?" almost begging you to tell him that you were lying/

"Because I don't know, but I just do Thomas. I just want you to remember that I love you Thomas. I love you more than I will love anyone," more tears streamed down you face as you spoke those words, showing your incapability to stop them.

"No you don't," he whispered. "Can't we just run away or something? Just get away from everyone and everything we know and start our lives again?"

"No, I can't Thomas, you know I can't,"

"Why can't you?" he asked, no longer being gentle.

"Because...Because I just can't Thomas." You said shaking your head. "But I love you Thomas, I really do," you told him as an afterthought. An afterthought? What was happening to you?

"No you don't love me, y/n. You wouldn't be marrying that idiot if you loved me." You could tell he was angry. His eyes were bloodshot; whether it was from anger or tears you couldn't tell."

Now it started to rain, gently at first, but gradually it start to get heavier and heavier. "Just go! Just go y/n and never come back. I can't believe I actually believed that you loved me. I was stupid, and now because I was stupid enough to believe it I'm having my heart broken by you. You don't love me anymore, I know you don't. And you know what? I don't love you either." He doesn't mean it.

Judging from the look on his face it seemed that he didnt believe what he was saying either. Before you fled you whispered, "I actually love you." Immediately his eyes softened, but you weren't there to see it. You were running through the pouring rain, tears streaming down your face. You would never be so heart broken, nor shed so many tears in your life.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now