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Newt Imagine

Newt watched with fascination as you stood in front of him, feeling curious and wondering where he was taking you. A black, silk, blindfold was wrapped around your head, not enabling you to see the places he was taking you, which only left you constantly asking him where both of you were going. Newt couldn't help but find you adorable every time you asked him a question and looked as clueless as ever. There was so many parts of you he loved and adore and maybe too much for him to be able to list down within a day. You were the reason his heart was beating every single day, and you were the reason why he was living through the days that passed, not surviving it only. Many people fail to know the difference between the meaning of surviving life and living it but only few understands. When you survive through life, you're simply sleepwalking through it cause you're not always happy and you do the things you don't love. You work the job that you hate only because you need to be paid to survive and this routine goes on no matter how much you want it to stop. Surviving life is sad, miserable and boring but living life, its the total opposite.

You're happy from the beginning of the day to the end when you live life to the fullest and you enjoy what you're doing. Newt used to be surviving each day but with you now in his life, you have made it an even better place to be in and even live through. Every day was special when he was with you because you never failed to bring him endless joy and you didn't even need to try. You were beautiful outside and in, and Newt always tried to remind you of that everyday just so you knew that you were special and amazing and how much you meant to him. No words could describe his love towards you, that's something that he must confess. You're like the stars that he sees every time he gazes up at the night sky, like the infinite light to his pitch black darkness. You're the sun, the moon, the galaxy for him and he have never regretted his decision of being with you ,ever. Instead, Newt fell in love with his decision every single day cause if it weren't for it, he wouldn't be where he was now with you. Time was precious but time with you was even more.

The elevator of the Eiffel Tower whisked both of you at terminal velocity to the highest level there was and with each passing second, Newt could feel excitement radiating from you. A huge grin was plastered on his face as he stood right behind you, his hands on your shoulders, but deep down Newt's heart was hammering against his chest like a sledgehammer. The anxiety and worry that was flooding through his veins was making Newt feel nervous even more and knowing that both of you were getting closer to the surprise he had planned with each passing second, it made Newt's breathing erratic and his mind lightheaded. There was so many possibilities of what might happen next but for now, all he had to do was to think of the present.Now.

Newt slipped his hand from your shoulder and towards your palm, both of your hands connecting almost immediately before being entwined. He could feel the familiar feelings of sparks flying that would appear every time your body made contact with each other before the feeling of electricity flowing up his arm like an aftermath. When they first felt that feeling, Newt found it both odd and strange as to how to that was even possible but now, it was just a common thing shared between the both of you. Like how the hairs on his neck will raise every time you were in the same room with him or how his heart would beat even faster and harder when Newt was with you. You made him feel so many different feelings in one, and he didn't even know if that was possible. You triggered feelings that were weird and unusual to him at times, but that didn't mattered for the one feeling you brought to him which made him love you even more day by day, was the feeling of comfort and finally being home. The feeling of being home with the person you truly love after such a long time. That was the feeling you triggered in Newt and only brought the bond between you two relationship closer.

The elevator doors pushed open with a ding and Newt carefully lead you out, the scent of the evening air hitting you almost immediately the moment you stepped out. You carefully followed Newt towards the direction he was leading you, the cogs in your mind still whirring as to where you could possibly be. The light and free atmosphere of Paris was reverberating around the both of you and with the strong cool breeze blowing, it only made your hair that was let down flow freely. It had rain earlier on in the day and because of that, the strong scent of petrichor could be smelt which only gave away the clue that we were outdoors.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now