You and I

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Rain pounded against the window, thunder rolling across the sky. I sat here, alone, watching the rain drops float across the glass of the window. I've always hated thunder. When Thomas is here, he usually turns all the lights off, except for a few candles, and cuddle with me in our shared bedroom. He's wrap his strong arms around me and hum a soft, sweet tune in my ear.

I grew sad thinking of Thomas. Lately, he's been distant. Instead of coming home for dinner, he'll come home around 10, 11:00. At first, I would stay up and wait for him, but now I just go to bed before he gets home. When it comes to the morning, he's gone before I even wake up. I don't really mind that he's out late, and he leaves early the next morning. It's his job, and I support him. The real problem I've been having is Kaya. He's been spending most of his time with her. A couple days ago I decided to call him and ask him to lunch, but he said no. "I'm actually going to lunch with Kaya during our break. Maybe another time?" I was literally heartbroken. I could just hear my heart breaking when he told me that. He always talks about her. "Kaya told me this hilarious joke. She's so funny." "Kaya is one of the most amazing person!" It's always about her. I don't really know her, considering I've met her once.

I'm starting to get scared. Scared that our 2 year relationship is falling apart. Thomas is such an amazing person, I can't stand the fact of losing him to some other girl. Every day I count my lucky start that I met him. It just hurts me to know that Thomas and I aren't the way we used to be. I miss his cheesy pickup lines he would use to make me blush and giggle. I miss the way he would take me out every Friday night and take me somewhere romantic. I miss just talking to him.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I stood up and walked to the kitchen grabbing a mug from the cupboard. I turned the stove on and made some hot chocolate, pouring it into the bright colored mug. The clock read 7:13, and I sighed. The days keep getting longer, and harder. After a minute of thinking, I put the mug in the sink, and decided to take a bubble bath. I needed to really relax and get my mind off things.

Before I could even go upstairs, I hear the front door unlock. My heart beat sped up knowing exactly who it was. Thomas. I spun around on my heels and faced the door. I watched as Thomas popped through the door, hanging his jacket up. He took his shoes off and out them in the closet. "Thomas?" I hadn't realized how soft and rough my voice sounded until I said something out loud. Thomas looked up, his brown eyes bore into mine. "Oh, hey." I slowly walked towards him, fiddling my fingers. "How was work?" He shrugged his shoulders, running a hand through his gorgeous blond hair. "Fine." Thomas walked over to the couch and sat down. Sitting down next to him, I noticed how tired he looked. "You're home early today." He shrugged again while turning the TV on. "Yeah. We got let out early." I nodded my head and looked at the TV for a minute. I decided to speak up, getting kind of nervous. "So, I was thinking, I know it's late, but how about we got out to dinner? We haven't gone out for a while so-" I got stopped by his smooth voice. "Oh, I can't." My hearted broke, yet again, and I looked down at my hands that were placed neatly in my lap. "Oh. Why not?" He shifted a little before putting his feet up. "Well Kaya invited me to this awesome restaurant that just opened. I'm leaving in about an hour."

Oh. Kaya. Tears sprung to my eyes and I tried to hold them back. I wasn't the one who liked to start an argument. I didn't like the feeling of yelling at each other, but I knew something had to be said. "Thomas." He looked at me and I nervously tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "We need to talk." His eyebrows scrunched together looking confused. "About what?" I drew in a shaky breath and turned away from him looking at the wall with many pictures of Thomas and I. There were some from both our child hood, and from recently. "Thomas I can't do this anymore." Still confused he asked, "Do what?" I stood up and waved my arms around. "This! You're gone 6 days out of the week and I never get to see you!"

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now