My Hero

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A/N: I got bored, bye. lol, I sound so mad, but I have such a big headache rn.

You woke up with a scream, shivering uncontrollably as the images of your nightmare replayed vividly in your mind. Tears blurred your sight as you sobbed quietly.

It was the same dream again, that you've been having for the past 5 years, since you were 12.
It felt like every time you had the same dream, a fresh new scar etched itself on your brain as you became sleep deprived.

A tap on your window cause you to flinch before getting out of bed, stumbling around your room as you wiped at the tears streaming down your cheeks.

Opening the blinds, you spotted your childhood best friend, neighbor, and crush, Newt.
His blonde hair was disheveled, brown eyes droopy and red from sleep. You felt guilty waking him up and this was the 3rd time this week. 

He smiled lazy at you, as he grabbed a shirt and placed it on.

"Meet me out front, love" he spoke softly, before you nodded your head and walked around your room, putting on your slippers, before walking down the stairs of your usual dark, quiet home.

Your mom probably was still at work, and when you passed the small digital clock in the hallway, which displayed 3:00 in the morning, your thoughts were confirmed.

You opened the door to be greeted with a cool breeze, causing goosebumps to rise on your arms.
You saw Newt leaning up against your fence, and as soon as he saw you, he opened his arms.

You smiled slightly and walked to him, wrapping your arms around his torso, breathing in his scent, and feeling warmth engulf you, as his grip tightened a little more.

He silently led you to his car and opened the passenger door for you as you slipped in. The cold air stopped, and you were engulf in silence until Newt got into the driver's seat, and started the engine.
He gave you a warm smile, and he held your hand in his. You felt safety and relaxation spread over you as you slowly drifted off to sleep, while he drove around a little.

The vibration of the car, Newt's hand wrapped around yours and his scent lulled you back to sleep.
He knew how to make you feel at ease when you felt like jumping off of a cliff. He was your hero, your savior.

After 30 minutes of driving around, Newt parked the car back in front of both your houses, before quietly moving his hand of your grasp and opened the door. 

He quickly walked to your side and opened the door, undoing your seatbelt, taking you in his arms and carrying you over to your door. 

He opened it and walked upstairs with you in his arms, before gently placing you on bed, and climbing in next to you. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his torso and laid your head on his chest as he looked down at you with pure adoration.

You just couldn't fall more in love with this boy.

And you knew that if anything happened to him, you'd lose the reason to live.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now