Just Do It

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Thomas had fallen for you the moment you walked into the room.

Maybe it was the way you moved, gliding across the floor in a certain type of grace. Maybe it was the way your hair flowed and shone in the light, the way your eyes seemed to glisten, or the way your lips curled into a smile. Whatever it was, there was a certain type of appeal to you that made not only Thomas, but others, pine for you.

He had met you at the start of filming for The Maze Runner. You were Kaya's cousin and she had said you were both best friends. She had invited you over to the set to see what went on behind the scenes, and invited you out to cast gatherings when she realized just how much the cast and crew seemed to like you. That was why they welcomed you back to the set of The Scorch Trials when they had started filming it and all along this time, you and Thomas had befriended one another and seemed almost inseparable.

Of course, everyone just seemed to know how much Thomas liked you, though he hadn't admitted it to just anyone. The only ones that knew they were right were Dylan and Ki Hong and they enjoyed the fact that they did. They would constantly tease Thomas for his crush, especially whenever you were around.

"Just ask her out already, dude," Dylan would say every time.

"No way," Thomas protested. "She'll turn me down in seconds."

"Are you kidding me?" Ki Hong exclaimed. "Do you not see the way she looks at you when you're talking to her?"

Thomas would roll his eyes. There was no way you liked him as much as he liked you. He didn't want to think about it and then get his hopes up, anyway.

"Fine. The day we're both alone, I'll ask her out," Thomas said finally on one day, after getting tired of hearing their constant bickering. "Does that make you both happy?"

Dylan and Ki Hong found this to be a fairly considerable deal but little did they know how much Thomas would go out of his way to purposefully make sure you and him were never alone. They were growing tired of his antics, and so was Kaya, and basically anyone else who knew how much Thomas liked you.

What Thomas didn't know was that Dylan, Ki Hong, and Kaya had been plotting for days to get you and him alone and they were determined to do so.

It shouldn't have been so surprising to Thomas when he knew they were trying to do that and when they actually ended up succeeding.

It had been one day after shooting and you were all heading back to your room in the  you were staying at. Kaya just so happened to get a call just as you left the studio and had to take it, letting you and the boys go ahead. And just before you reached the hotel, Ki Hong claimed he had "forgotten his wallet" at the studio and ran back for it, leaving just you, Dylan, and Thomas alone.

You reached the hotel elevator and pressed the button. While you waited for it to arrive, you talked about random nonsense before hearing the familiar elevator ding,  its arrival. You walked in first, and then Thomas, and just as the  began to close, you both realized Dylan hadn't come on. Thomas instantly stepped forward to the door to stop it from shutting but failed to do so and all you heard was Dylan shouting, "Whoops! Looks like I missed this one – I'll just take the next one!"

Thomas nearly groaned out loud at his friend's stupidity and then let out a sigh. He knew Dylan, Ki Hong, and Kaya had done all of that on purpose and now you and Thomas were finally alone together.

It had been weeks since the two of you were actually that  to one another without anyone else around – and you weren't blind to notice this very common recurrence. It almost made you nervous to be completely alone with Thomas but you told yourself to stop being stupid. That Thomas was your friend – a very attractive friend whom you may or may not have had a tiny (and by tiny, you mean no so tiny) crush on – and you were only alone the short amount of time it took for the elevator to get to your floor.

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