2nd Is The Best

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Everything in the glade was different after I came up the box. I bet you're wondering why, huh? I'm a girl. Yeah, that's right, a girl. Apparently the glade has never had a girl in the long run of them being trapped in the maze. I got a few off looks, many suggestive, a lot flirtatious. But, the only look I cared about getting was from the scrawny, second-in-command. Newt.

After a few months, Newt and I grew close. He showed me around the glade, was calm and professional with me, and made me feel comfortable. Soon enough I remembered my name. Y/n.

"What a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl of course." He would say. I was a sucker for him, and I knew it. So did the whole glade, then after a while Newt started to see it too. To make a long story short, neither of us had the guts to tell each other how we felt. But, good ole Minho helped us out.

"Just kiss already!" I remember him shouting the night of the bonfire for the new greenie. Thomas, I believe is his name. And with an awkward smile, Newt leaned in and I happily met him halfway. The best shucking night of my life.

The love he showed to me made me feel special, and according to him he was glad that he was lucky enough to get his hands on the first ever girl. To say I was happy too was an understatement...because it made me wonder.

What if a new girl came up? Be careful what you wish for.

Teresa came up the box months after me. Everyone was more shocked, because...she was breathtaking. I never really got that kind of response when I came up. Sure, the guys found me attractive but...I never took their breath away.

Her jet black locks, those crystal blue eyes, and her slim figure screamed: Attention. But the only one she seemed interested in talking to was Thomas...but that never really stopped anybody from trying to grab her attention.

And it's not even like she's begging for it, they're just giving it to her! And the worst part is, the gladers, even my friends barely pay attention to me. I know I'm better than to be comparing myself to another girl but...I started getting worried when she started catching Newt's attention too.

We were all in the homestead, chilling out like any normal day. For some reason it was 20 question time with her, as everybody waited for their turn to ask Teresa millions of questions, which is irrelevant since we have no memory of our past lives, likes or dislikes, or passions.

"So what's it like being a girl?"

"Do you think you had any siblings?"

"How are your eyes so blue?"

Question after question, all stupid things to ask...and I think she sees that as well, but tried to answer as much as she could. I tried MY best to get my friends back, at least get them to talk to me again.

"Hey, Minho, you wanna race to the deadheads? I bet I could beat your sorry-excuse-of-a-runner butt," I teased, but got no response from him. A little hurt, I shrugged it off, moving over to Fry. "Hey Frypan, do you maybe wanna-?"

"Sh!" He quickly shushed me, not even giving a side glance. Ouch.

Then I tried Clint and Jeff, then Winston, then Zart, even shucking Gally and not one of them gave me a time of day. Last, but not least, was Newt. I know he would never turn me down. I mean..sure he's been distant for a while but, he's my boyfriend. Me wanting his attention this badly should spark SOMETHING, especially for me not known for being clingy.

I tap his shoulder. Nada. Crouching down to his level, I lightly kissed behind his ear. I know that's his one weak spot, but only to have him shrug me off.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now