The Girl [3]

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(y/n) walked towards the garden, only to turn back around when she saw Newt helping with pulling out the weeds from the ground.

"(y/n), wait!" Newt called behind her. He pushed himself off the ground and reached a hand out as if it would refrain her from getting away. She only walked faster, head down but avoided the Gladers in her path swiftly. Newt started running towards her. When she had heard the footsteps getting louder and faster, she started sprinting.

When Newt decided it was enough for him to be chasing her, he stopped. He tried to catch his breath as he walked to the garden with his hands curled up into balls of fists by his side.

It had been a few days — maybe even weeks — since they made a scene and (y/n) has been avoiding him since. When she ran off into the woods, Gally and Chuck had run after her while Minho tried to stop Newt from following.

Newt gave her space. But wasn't 4 days enough? He just wanted to talk about it; get something out of her. Did she feel the same way? Will she ever forgive him? Is she okay? How's everything? But no. All he had gotten from her was short, shy glances where she looked away instantly when their eyes met and a one way conversation whenever he talked to a group of friends and she was there. She had been avoiding him, and they both knew it very well.

(y/n) sat in the laundry room, scrubbing away the filth of the boys' shirts. She hadn't even realized that she had been scrubbing on a shirt way too hard until someone spoke from behind her.

"Hey, you're gonna put a hole on my shirt from the way you're scrubbing it." The voice, the accent. It all sounded way too familiar and she didn't like the feeling she got in her stomach whenever his voice was within hearing range from her.

"Sorry." Was all Newt got for striking up a conversation.

Newt let out a heavy sigh and sat on the opposite log where she was seated. Newt waited for her to tell him to get lost, but he never got anything. For a really long time.

For her, she thought that the silence that enveloped them both was deafening. She didn't like it but if it meant not talking to Newt, then it was better than having a conversation with him.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

(y/n) didn't look up for a few seconds. Newt saw her body shake, but no sound was coming out from her. It was like she was laughing but she couldn't get any sound out because it was that funny. He knew what he said was far from funny so either she was being sarcastic, or she just found this whole situation funnier than it actually was. She finally looked up and he realized how tired and worn out she looked.

Her face was covered with dirt and the eye were darker than usual. Her eyes were red, almost as if she had been crying way too often. She had a fresh new scar on her cheek and another healing scar by her collarbone. She looked pale, almost way too pale for someone who lived in a place where much area wasn't covered with shelter.

"You're telling me you don't know why?" She a smile, but it wasn't the one Newt had gotten used to seeing. It was cold, and there was no sincerity to the smile at all. "The great Newt, second-in-command, does not know why I'm avoiding him!"

"I know why, okay?" Newt scoffed with a frown on his face. He leaned back on the machine with his arms crossed against his chest as usual. "Do I look like I was born yesterday? I know why, I just want to hear it from your mouth. assumptions, (y/n). Stop running away from the things you don't want to face."

"I don't want to face you, but here I am now, huh?" She narrowed her eyes to glare at him. By this time, she had stopped scrubbing clothes and had all her attention to him. "Since you wanna know so much, then fine. I'll tell you. Let me tell you! Listen up, okay? Firstly, you've been treating me like I'm inhuman. Like I don't need a break from all the work, like I can't have friends. once again, blondie, you're all boys here. So whether you like it or not, I'm gonna befriend them. Too bad, get over it. Secondly, I finally snap and ask for an explanation and sure, I get it — thanks for that by the way — but then it takes a sharp turn and turns into you telling me that you have feelings for me! And then bam, you kiss me."

Newt stayed silent for a moment, his eyes searching hers for an answer, still. He raised an eyebrow, confused. "And?"

She rolled her eyes, getting up. She roughly wiped her hands on her pants, then turned all her attention back to Newt. "I didn't ask for you to make things this complicated! It was already complicated before, you shank! You just made it more bloody complicated and now, I don't know whether I want to strangle you or just forgive you for the shit you put me through! You could've just went 'it's because you get on my bloody nerves and I just don't like you' but nooo! You went all soft on me and confessed the feelings I wasn't expecting for you to feel towards me after you make me feel like I completely don't deserve to be here at all!" She made a pretty good impression of his accent, fascinating him a little.

"I'm sorry for not telling you the words you expected to hear, then!" He yelled. "I'm sorry I just had to go and catch feelings for the only girl in the Glade. I'm sorry making you feel like you don't deserve to be a part of our lives and I'm sorry for making things more complicated. I'm sorry, alright? I just couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry that I just had to tell you. I just want to know one thing, (y/n)."

He took a step over the bucket between them and walked forward, making (y/n) walk back to avoid another awkward scene that they both have to live with for the rest of their lives. Soon, he had her pinned against the wooden walls of the small, cramp hut. With his hands on either sides of her head, his breath fanning down on her collarbones and his height towards over her completely, (y/n) couldn't help but feel small and suddenly being unable to whip back another smart ass comment.

"Do you feel the same?" (y/n) couldn't get enough courage to answer. She was too busy looking up at him, admiring how defined the features on his face was. Even if she did answer his question, she would only end up stuttering and embarrassing herself. "(y/n)."

"I don't know, okay?" She finally answered, breaking the with him. "I don't know. It's hard to determine my feelings for you when all you've been the entire time I've been here was a bloody asshole."

Newt nodded, taking a step back. "Give me a chance. I'll show you I'm worth it."

"I don't know, Newt," she hesitated. She rubbed the back of her neck, looking up at him through her eyelashes. "This is kind of a huge risk. What do we know about love?"

"We'll just have to find out. Together, I was hoping." Newt gave her a small smile. The one that never failed to make her melt and make her feel good inside — or at least for the first few days she had been around.

She considered his offer. About giving him a chance. It wouldn't be too bad to give him a chance, right? If he didn't want this at all, he wouldn't have gotten out of his way just to talk her around the incident the other night. After what seemed like hours to Newt, she finally looked up with a small smile on her face.

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