Get Your Shit Together

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She kept her eyes closely at Newt and Sonya, the girl from Group B, talk by the car that was parked.

She didn't like the way she touched him and she didn't like the way she was eyeing her boyfriend. She didn't like the way her voice sounded flirty. She definitely didn't like the distance between them.

(y/n) rolled her eyes and dropped her paper cup onto the ground. She turned away from the pair and walked towards the table where her friends were seated at.

She wasn't the jealous type. But she definitely knew when a girl was trying to chat up her boyfriend.

She slammed herself down on the bench next to Minho and sighed. She laid her arm down on the table then her head on her arm.

"What's with the sour face, giggles?" Minho frowned. He tucked her hair behind her ear and patted her head.

Giggles was the nickname the Gladers had for her. Only because when the box opened, she started laughing because she thought it was all a dream. Surprisingly, she acted way more composed than the other boys that had come up in the box.

"She's chatting him up again." She pouted her lips out and let out a huff.

"Giggles, you're acting like a huge baby right now," Thomas teased as he poked her cheek. "If you don't like the way she's acting towards your boyfriend, up, woman."

She brought her head up and eyed Thomas with narrowed down eyes. "What are you suggesting I do, greenie?"

"Shut up," Thomas laughed, rolling his eyes playfully.

"I think he's suggesting you go and talk to Newt," Minho nodded as he took a sip of his water.

"I was suggesting showing this girl who Newt really belongs to, actually," Thomas laughed. Minho glared at Thomas which made Thomas throw his hands up in surrender. "Maybe Minho's way is better."

And that was the reason why she was walking towards Newt and Sonya with shaking hands and beating so fast it would probably outrun her.

She forced a smile as she reached Newt whom had reached an arm out. She smiled as she let his arms wrap themselves around her and his lips pressed against her forehead.

"Hey, love," Newt whispered in her ear. "What's up?"

"I was just gonna ask if you guys have eaten dinner." She pulled away from Newt and smiled at Sonya. "Well, have you?"

"I was just planning on it," Newt smiled as he slipped his hand into hers, intertwining them. "Sonya, you coming with us?"

Sonya shook her head and held out a hand at them. "You guys go ahead."

As soon as they were far away enough from Sonya, (y/n) pulled Newt towards a secluded place instead of where the food were.

"Other plans, I see?" Newt teased.

"Shut up," she snapped. She stopped walking and turned to face him. And by the look on her face, Newt could already tell that she wasn't happy with something. She doesn't usually let a lot of things get to her and ruin her mood but when it does, she could be like a volcano erupting. "What the shuck was that?"

"What was what?" Newt asked, confused. As far as he was concerned, he didn't do anything to get on her nerves.

"Sonya," she almost whimpered. "Get your shit together, Newt. Don't tell me you didn't notice her giving you the heart eyes while you talked. I'm not stupid, Newt. I'm a girl. I know when a girl is flirting with a boy. Especially if that boy is my boyfriend. It's either me or not me, Newt."

Newt chuckled, walking towards you. He cupped your face and kissed your nose. "You're so cute."

"Shut up," she groaned, shoving him gently.

Newt laughed, wrapping his arms around her again. "You don't have to worry about Sonya, giggles. For me, it's always going to be you."

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