The Baby

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I collapse against the cool tile of the bathroom wall. This can't be happening. No way. My mind blanks in and out, and I suddenly feel very hot as I stare at the little device in my hands. My head spins, and the churning in my stomach tells me that I need to puke. Actually no, I'm going to puke and I need to get my head into the toilet now. I crawl over, luckily not too far away, and empty my stomach into the toilet.

"What is Thomas going to say?" I whisper. I feel little tears drip down my face. I don't know if we're ready... if I'm ready...

"Y/n? Are you okay?!" Thomas asks. Shit.. he's home early.

"Tom..." I say my voice breaking. He sits next to me on the floor, rubbing my back soothingly. I stutter, trying to tell him. But all that comes out is more sick.

"It's alright, Y/n. "he said. "What Is it?" I wretch into the toilet more.

Suddenly, his hand stops, and I know he's seen it.

"Y/n...." he whispers. I look up, out of the toilet bowl. "It's okay, it's okay." He says, pulling me into his arms.

"What are we going to do?"

He moves me, and looks me straight in the eye.

"I love you. And, I will fully back any decision you make. If you think you aren't ready for this, then I understand. But Ipromise I will love you no matter what." I nod in to his chest. He laughs a little, and I look up to see him smiling. His brown eyes look down at me, his eyebrows knit together.

"You recon you'll get those weird cravings like my mum did when she had Ava?" Thomas asks, and I laugh.

"So you're okay with this? You're not mad?" I ask, looking down at my hands.

"Y/n! I could never be mad! Especially not for this. In fact, I am mostly extremely happy." He said, blushing.

"So... you think we could do it?"

"Have a baby?" he whispers


"Absolutely." He whispers in my ear. I smile, and kiss him. Maybe we will get through this.

"So we should keep it then?" I say, after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"Yeah. I have always wanted to be a dad... and I could never think of a better mother for my children."

"Plural? Planning on twins are we Sangster?" I mock, laughing.

"Well, I think that would be awesome! But I've always wanted more than one."

"Well, that's something we both agree on then." I say, brushing my hair out of the way. Slowly, I stand up, brushing my hair out of my face. He follows me, and once we are both standing, he pulls me into his arms, kissing my head.



"This is the second best day of my life." He says. My whole body floods with a warmth, and love of him.

"What was the first?" I ask.

"The day I met you." he replies. "You are the best thing in my life, and I love you so much. And I will love our baby just as much."

"I love you too, Thomas." I reply. "Now, I'm going to have a shower. I reek of vomit." I say, and he laughs.

"Okay. Be careful."

"I'm just having a shower, Sangster. Calm down!" I laugh, feeling light and elated.

"Well you need to be safe... can't have anything happening to our baaaaaby" he sung, giggling like a little boy. He was really happy. I haven't seen him so happy for a long time. It makes me heart soar.

"Hmm true." He winked at me, before closing the bathroom door. I strip from my clothes, which I realised were damp with sweat.

I step into the hot stream of water, and sigh. I always loved having showers whenever I was freaking out. As the soap and water washes away all my anxiety and panic, I'm left with the hope. I'm having his baby. I'm having a baby! Oh my god... the smile that pulls on my lips doesn't fade, and my hands rest on my lower stomach. There is a little person in there... wow.

I'm going to be a mum!

After about half an hour of washing and thinking, and maybe a little shower singing, I step out of the bathroom in a plush white towel. Thomas is nowhere to be seen.

I slip on some comfy leggings and a random sweatshirt, and grab my phone. I sit down on the edge of my bed, and flip through my phone. But I can't focus on anything, not after the news. My mind just keeps wondering to the baby. My baby. Our baby. After a while, I heard a knock at the bedroom door, and Thomas came in, a little blush on his cheeks, and his left hand fiddling with the hem of his shirt. That was a nervous habit of his.

"Tom, are you okay?" I asked, standing from my position, perched on the end of the bed. He smiled at me, but I could see the sweat on his brow. He thought about it... he doesn't want this baby... I felt my heart stop. He's going to break up with me because of this... isn't he? I can't do this right now... this can't be happening.

"Y/n..." he said, and he smiled at me. The look in his eyes told me everything was going to be alright, and a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. So what's all this about then? He let out a deep breath, and looked to the ceiling for a second, before looking me in the eyes again.

"I love you, more than anything else. And every time I picture my future, no matter what that may be, I picture myself with you. And I am one hundred percent sure that I will love you for the rest of my life, and I will love this baby with all of my heart. I was going to wait until your birthday, but I know that the time is right, and we can't wait any longer. " he got down on one knee, and I swear I couldn't breathe.

"Y/n, will you do the honour of being my wife?" I felt a tear slip down my cheek.

"yes... yes I will." I whispered, jumping into his arms.

This has been the best day of my life.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now