Chapter 5

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Louis's point of view

I am trying to keep myself in check but it is so hard. Who knew that I would be able to obtain an interview with The Niall Horan? That man does not grant interviews. And not only do I have an interview but I also get to have dinner with him as well. Liam is waiting for me outside Mr. Horan's office. I follow him to a service elevator down the hallway. When we exit to the lobby he instructs me to wait while he pulls the car around.

I find my thoughts wandering to the man I just met. He has eyes that can rival the beauty of an ocean, eyes that are bluer than the sky. His pale skin is just perfection. I can't wait to see him again. I feel a hand at my elbow and turn to see who it is. The receptionist that I spoke to earlier is beside me. I was so lost in thought I did not see her approaching. She hands me a slip of paper and says "call me sometime" softly in my ear. She winks at me then rushes back to her desk and answers the phone. I turn away from her and roll my eyes so that she does not see me. She does not know this but she will never receive a call from me. The number will be tossed as soon as I get home.

Just then Liam walks up to me and asks if I am ready to leave. We exit the lobby and he leads me to a sleek black Jaguar XJ. I am mentally doing back flips right now. I actually get to ride in that. I have never even been close to one of those. He opens the back door and I climb in. After I give him directions to my flat he pulls from in front of the building and we are on our way. I sink down into the buttery leather seat. This is so much better than the crowded smelly bus that I have to ride sometimes. And at least I get to keep the fare that I would have spent. Liam begins to speak from the driver's seat startling me out of my thoughts. "I did not have a chance to formally introduce myself earlier. My name is Liam Payne. I am Mr. Horan's personal assistant, driver, and bodyguard. I would like to thank you again for helping him earlier. I am still amazed how you were able to get him calmed down that quickly. He has always been claustrophobic and is prone to panic attacks when he is in small places. I have known him since I was 10 years old and have never seen him calm down like that." I reply "it was nothing really. I just had him close his eyes and talked to him. I figured if he was able to get his mind off of where he was it would help."

"My name is Louis Tomlinson. I was supposed to interview Simon Cowell for a research paper for my Uni class. I hope he is not upset that I missed my appointment." "I will inform him that you were assisting Mr. Horan. I am sure he will understand." Liam replies. I notice that we are approaching my flat. Wow it took no time at all to get here. As we pull up I notice that Josh is walking down the sidewalk toward us. Liam quickly gets out and opens my door for me. I exit and thank him for the ride. "I will inform Mr. Horan of your address. It was nice meeting you" Liam says with a small smile. He turns and quickly enters the car and pulls away.

I turn to see Josh standing behind me with his mouth dropped open. "Who was that?" He asks in a shocked voice. "That was Niall Horan's bodyguard Liam Payne. He gave me a ride back to my flat." I say as I unlock the door and walk in. Josh follows close behind me. "How did you get Niall Horan's bodyguard to give you a ride home?" Josh asks as we both settle on the couch in the living room.

I decided to give him an abbreviated story of the events that just happened. "I was in the elevator on my way to interview Mr. Cowell when the elevator became stuck between floors. There was only one person on the elevator with me and it just happened to be Niall Horan himself. We talked while they fixed the lift. Of course we were in there for a bit and I missed my interview time. Mr. Horan graciously offered to take me to dinner later and said that I could interview him instead. He never grants interviews. I can't believe it. I have to figure out what to ask. I have to figure out what to wear. I am so nervous." I can't help but let my nerves get the best of me and start to babble there at the end. Josh softly shakes my shoulder and replies. "Calm down Lou you will do fine. I give him a small smile and stand. "I am going to go over the questions I need to ask. Then I have to get ready. See you later Josh." I say as I quickly go to my room. I close the door with a sigh and throw myself on my bed. The day could not have gone any better. Dinner with Niall Horan and an exclusive interview with him. News reporters and TV personalities would give anything to be in my place. I cannot wait to see my professors face when he sees who my report is about.

Josh's point of view

When I walked into Lou's room this morning I had decided I was going to ask him out. I had been working on trying to find the courage for a while. Even though I had not been his roommate for long, his other roommate had graduated and moved off, I was more than ready to ask him. I had sat on his bed and watched him style his hair. He has the sassiest mouth and the biggest heart of anyone I know. But once again I chickened out. Why can't I just do it? He was so nervous about his upcoming interview that I pulled him in for a hug. He quickly pulled away and I could not help but hide the disappointment that I felt when his arms left me. He walked out the door and I was left to my thoughts.

I decided to go to the library and get some of my studying done. I stayed for a few hours completing my assignments for the day. I walk back I see something that is a complete shock to me. Louis is climbing out of a Jaguar. And he is talking to the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. He has the biggest chocolate brown eyes and a body to die for. He gives Lou a small smile and drives away. I just cannot help myself. I have to find out who he is. When I find out my heart drops to the floor. How would I even be able to see him again much less meet him?

Lou is explaining that he is having dinner with Niall Horan. I feel a surge of hope. Maybe Liam will be the one picking up Lou. I go into the kitchen and fix a sandwich and think about all that has gone on today. Sure I was going to ask Lou out. But now I am glad I didn't. Don't get me wrong he is a great guy but I would love to see Liam Payne again. I just cannot get him out of my mind. Maybe that is why I never had the courage to ask Lou out. Maybe it was my destiny to meet Liam. Hey I guy can dream can't he?

I finish eating quickly and clean up the kitchen. I go to the living room and pick up the remote. I mindlessly search the channels watching bits and pieces of shows but not really finding anything interesting. Since I cannot find anything good on TV I go for my movie collection. I decide to watch the first Toy Story movie. Hey what can I say? I love those movies. I'm a kid at heart. I hear someone knocking and go to answer it. I let out a gasp at who is standing there. My heart starts to beat wildly in my chest. I cannot believe it Liam Payne is standing on my doorstep. "I am here to pick up Mr. Tomlinson. I am afraid I am a little early." He says with a small smile on his face. I could just get lost in those gorgeous brown eyes of his. I realize I am staring and mentally slap myself. I can feel a blush bloom across my cheeks. I motion him in. After I close the door I find myself staring at him again and force myself to reply. "It's all right. I let Lou know you are here. My name is Josh Devine. I am his roommate." I rush out quickly and return with the news that Lou will be ready in 10 minutes. Liam looks toward the TV and a huge smile erupts across his face. "That is one of my favorite movies. I actually love all three of them" he states walking toward the living room. "Me too" I reply. I ask if he would like to sit down while he is waiting on Lou. He settles on the sofa and I sit close but not too close. We sit together and quietly watch the movie. I keep sneaking glances at him. He turns and looks at me and I just know that he caught me staring. I blush and look away. I almost think I can hear him chuckle but then again I do have an active imagination. Lou walks in and he quickly stands. He informs Lou that Mr. Horan was detained and he was here to drive him to the restaurant.

As they are leaving he reaches in his pocket and pulls something out handing it to me. I look down and notice it is a business card with his phone number on it. "Call me sometime maybe we can have a Toy Story marathon." He says with a wink and quickly exits. Wow I think as I collapse on the couch clutching the card to my chest. Best day ever.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now