Chapter 11

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Here is the next chapter. Not sure if I will be able to write any tomorrow might be next week before the next one. As always comments and feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks for reading my story.

Niall's point of view

Sunday morning comes all too soon. I would love to stay in bed and have more dreams of Louis but why do that when I can see the real thing in a few hours. I quickly shower and go to the kitchen. My housekeeper has Saturday and Sunday off so I decide on a bowl of cereal. I am glad she already prepared lunch for Louis and me today. I will pack that later before I go. I am now standing in front of my closet trying to figure out what to wear. Why am I so stressed out? It's not an actual date. I guess I am just worried about what I am going to tell Louis. What if he says no? I don't know what I will do if he does not agree to my plan. I just have to try my best to convince him. He is a great guy that does not deserve what is happening to him.

Josh told me last night while Louis was cleaning the kitchen that Louis had applied for numerous jobs and had not heard back from any of them yet. He is starting to worry because he can tell Louis is not eating like he should. He even said that he purposely leaves out food in hopes that he eats it. That is what helped me make this decision. I sigh and look back in my closet. I finally make my choice. I pull on a pair of beige khakis and a red polo shirt. I go to my closet and grab my favorite pair of Supra's. Style my hair in its usual quiff and I am out the door. Liam is not home. He had already told me that he would be over at Louis and Josh's flat.

I pull up about fifteen minutes early from the time I told Louis I would be here and do not see Liam's car. Maybe they went out together somewhere. I knock and in just a minute Louis answers. He is shirtless and wearing a pair of sweat pants that ride low on his waist. It takes all of my willpower not to stare. His skin is tanned and flawless. He is toned and muscular without being too bulky. I would just love to run my fingers over that chest working my way to those defined abs of his while kissing his neck. Wait, I mentally slap myself. Stop thinking that. I think some of my dreams are mixing with my thoughts. He apologizes for his state of dress and ushers me in. He tells me to make myself at home while he finishes getting ready. As I sit down my mind wanders to a mental image of him shirtless again. "Stop it" I growl under my breath.

I turn the television on and mindlessly change channels not really focusing on any show. Louis comes in about ten minutes later. He is wearing a pair if turquoise skinny jeans a white button up shirt and braces. I cannot help but think how good his bum looks in those jeans. I pull myself out of my thoughts and ask him if he is ready to go. We climb into the Range Rover. I want to have time to talk to him without interruption or anyone overhearing so I have decided to take Louis to the nearby lake where my boat is housed. I asked the captain of the boat I own to have it fueled and ready. It takes a little bit to get there but just looking at his face makes it all worth it. Louis's face lights up the minute we pull into the marina. I don't think he was expecting a boat ride. I can see the excitement in his eyes. Sometimes when you have always had everything handed to you it is easy to forget how enjoyable something can be. Now don't get me wrong. My parents made both me and my brothers work. But I would have to say we were definitely spoiled. I am glad I can bring this little bit of happiness into Louis's life.

We quickly exit the car and walk towards the boat that I own. Louis stops and looks at the name of the boat. "What does Nevaeh mean?" "It is heaven spelled backwards. I had a good friend in school that was named Nevaeh. I had known her for most of my life. She moved from America when she was six years old. She was like the sister I never had. Nevaeh, Liam, and I were the best of friends. We did everything together. Our 9th grade year she was killed by a drunk driver running off of the road and hitting her as she walked home from school. At least they were able to catch the man that ended her life. He had been drowning his sorrows due to being let go at work and decided to get drunk and drive. Her death was a very hard thing to take. Her parent's eventually left town because they could not handle the memories. She was killed on the sidewalk right outside her house."

My mind is filled with memories and a tear rolls down my cheek. Louis looks at me and places his hand on my arm. "I am sorry for your loss. I know what it is like to lose something that you love." He states rather sadly. I wonder what kind of loss he has had to face. We quickly board the boat and are off. The lake is calm and the water clear. I can tell Louis is enjoying himself. I ask him if he is ready for lunch. He happily replies and I pull the picnic basket that had been prepared earlier from where I had placed it when we came aboard. We settle at the front of the boat and start to pull the food out of the basket. My housekeeper has outdone herself. We have sub sandwiches, crisps, and assorted cut up vegetables, chocolate chip cookies, juice and soda. After we have eaten our fill we sit in companionable silence for a few minutes. I have finally worked up enough courage to explain to Louis why I brought him here. "Louis I need to ask you something." He turns in his seat so he is facing me and says "go ahead ask away" as he settles himself into a more comfortable position. "I want you to completely hear me out before you respond. " He nods his head in agreement and patiently waits for me to go on.

"Iwouldliketohireyoutobemyboyfriendforthewedding." I rush out knowing that I spoke too fast for him to comprehend. He looks at me with confusion on his face. "I take a deep breath and try again looking straight into his stunning eyes. "I would like to hire you to be my boyfriend for the wedding."

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now