Chapter 8

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Hello readers. I hope you have been enjoying my book so far. As I stated before this is my first book I have written so comments and feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks again.

Louis’s point of view

After pacing around the living room for about twenty minutes I finally decide to open my parent’s letter it reads.


We regret to inform you that we will no longer be able to send you any extra money for expenses. We will now only send enough for your half of the rent for the flat you are staying at. Please do not call us and try to get more money sent. Maybe if you had chosen a different lifestyle this would not be happening to you.

I stood there in shock. What am I going to do now? I already have a full class schedule so it will be almost impossible to get even a part time job. My scholarship only covers school expenses and tuition and that’s it. How am I going to afford food? How am I going to help with the electric? I barely have anything in my account. What am I going to do after the month is over? Choose a different lifestyle? I’m gay. I did not choose this lifestyle. That is what I am. Why can’t they accept me for who I am? I have tried so hard to be the perfect son and big brother. I studied diligently. Never partied or did drugs. Babysat my sisters and helped out around the house. Made excellent grades and graduated top of my class. I was even able to receive a full scholarship for my Uni. What more could I have done? Why can’t they love me? I throw myself on the couch and grab a pillow sobbing into it so that Josh does not hear. How am I going to explain this to him? I can barely help with any of the bills with what they send and now I am not going to even get that. I toss and turn finally falling to sleep on the couch with no clue as to what I am going to do.

Niall’s point of view

I am now sitting at home thinking back on the evening that I shared with Louis. I will have to admit it was fun. Most of the people I associate with would not even think of sitting around playing video games and just hanging out. They would rather be at the country club, at art shows, or at parties or other posh events. I actually find all of that boring. I only do those things because I have to. The only person that knows the real me is Liam. He is the only one I hang out with where I can be myself.

My thoughts keep going back to Louis. Why can’t I get him out of my head? How does he have this effect on me? And why did I feel like I wanted to kiss that smirk off of his face? I sigh in frustration and try to relax on the couch. I hear the door open and notice Liam is walking up to me with this huge smile on his face. “Hey Niall” he says as he plops down on the couch across from me. At work he is all yes Mr. Horan, no Mr. Horan. I am not sure why he is so stiff and formal at work and sometimes it drives me crazy. But outside of work he is just my best friend Liam. I notice he has an extra sparkle in his eye that was not there this morning. “What has gotten you in such a good mood?” I ask. He looks over at me and blushes a little. “I met someone tonight. He is so cute. He even likes the Toy Story movies like I do.” I gave him my number and I hope he calls me.” He starts laughing and I cannot help but smile. “And what is this wonderful person’s name?” “Josh Devine” Liam says with this huge grin on his face.

I lean forward and reply to Liam. “I spent the evening with Josh and Louis he seems to be a really nice guy. We played a few games of FIFA. Louis even asked if I wanted to come over Saturday and play again. Can you check my schedule and see if I have anything this Saturday. You could even come with and hang out too if you want.” Liam then jumps up and rushes over to my planner. “You have an appointment at 10 o’clock but then after that you are free for the rest of the day.” “Here catch” I say as I toss him my phone and tell him to get Josh’s number off of there and tell him we will be there around noon and that we would bring lunch for everyone. He adds Josh to his contacts and tosses my phone back to me. He quickly starts texting as he walks out of the room. That huge smile is back on his face. I just have to roll my eyes at him.

I have never seen Liam this worked up over someone. Not since his boyfriend Marcus when we were in the in the 9th grade. I am so glad that relationship did not work out. He was two years older than Liam and was obsessed with him. He abused him and even got his friends to hurt him as well if Liam did not do what he wanted. Liam put up with it for a while because he believed that Marcus loved him. I was finally able to convince him to break up with him. That infuriated Marcus and he began to bully both of us. Then Zayn Malik came to our school. He quickly befriended Liam and I and stopped the bulling that was going on. He helped convince Liam to stand up for himself. That is what got Liam into boxing, kickboxing, and karate. Now he is someone that I would not want to make mad. He could hospitalize you very effortlessly and easily.

I stand and stretch out the kinks in my neck. As I am making my way to my room I cannot help but think of my conversation with Louis. I honestly did not know what to say when he said I needed to pretend to be gay. He really does not know that I am actually bisexual and that I could easily like girls or guys but I have just not found the right one. That is not something that you just blurt out to the person that is interviewing you. I could not help the shocked expression from spreading across my face. Did he know? Could he tell? I have tried to hide that from everyone. The only person that knows is Liam.

My thoughts keep replaying our dinner together. I remember his smile and the way he enjoyed his food. His hypnotic voice. The way his neck muscles moved when he swallowed. The way his shirt clung to his frame. Those tight red skinny jeans. The utter enjoyment he had by just playing a video game. His sassiness and his carefree attitude and the way he bites his bottom lip when he concentrates. Get it together Niall. He is probably straight. As I climb into bed my mind wanders back to Louis again. Why can’t I get him off my mind?  I drift off to sleep only to dream about the meadow he had me picture and this time we both were laying down holding hands and looking at the clouds.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now