Chapter 48

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This chapter is dedicated to SheMoansNialler. Thanks for following me. I cannot wait to read your update on If I Lose Myself.

Niall’s point of view

I have just completed the last meeting for the day and am in my office. I am surprised with how business has been going. I would have expected some backlash due to my relationship and upcoming marriage with a man but surprisingly little has happened. Most have been very accepting. It also helps that I have the biggest entertainment empire in the world and my reputation proceeds itself. The reception desk downstairs informs me that my mum is here and on her way up. She has flown in and will be staying with us until the wedding. I still cannot believe it in three weeks I will be saying I do. This time last year I was alone and now I have Louis. In a short amount of time he has become my world. If my business were to collapse tomorrow I would still be the happiest man alive. I cannot imagine my life without him. Louis and I have gone through more than some people who have been together for years and our love just grows stronger each day. I look at the picture of us that I have proudly displayed on my desk. I cannot help the smile that spreads across my face. It is one that we had taken at mum’s house. We are both facing each other. I have my left arm around his waist and he has his left hand against my chest. We are looking into each other’s eyes, smiles on both our faces. That picture was taken on the day he officially became mine. I can see the love shining from his eyes as he gazes at me.

Just then my mum walks in through my office door closing it quietly behind her. I still cannot believe that Louis and I agreed to let both our mums plan the wedding. They will not even tell us about what they have planned. They want it to be a surprise. I walk over to her and pull her into a hug and ask her about her flight. She tells me it was fine and we walk over to the sofa in the corner of the office. “Mum are you and Jay going to tell us anything about the wedding plans?” I question her. She looks over at me with a small smile. “Niall we want to surprise the both of you. I just want you to stop being nervous. We know what colors and themes you want and what your wishes are. Our wedding present to both of you is to plan the perfect wedding and then make it happen. Both of you just need to focus on your suits and the fact that in three weeks you will be  married. I can’t believe it my baby is getting married. Louis is a lucky man.” I look over at mum and smile. “No I am the lucky one.” She pats my knee and stands up walking over to my desk. She looks down at the picture I have on my desk and smiles. “I always thought this was the best one. You can look at both of your expressions and see how in love you are.” I come up behind her and wrap my arm around her shoulder. “I am finished with my meetings are you ready to go? Louis should be home by now unless he stopped off at the library.” She smiles at me and we both walk to the elevator. As we descend towards the lobby Mum just looks at me in amazement. “What’s wrong mum?” “I still cannot get over the fact that we are in an elevator and you are not freaking out right about now.” I laugh and say “Louis helped me overcome my claustrophobia. I don’t know how he did it. Whenever I enter a tight space I just think of the first time I met him and the mental image he had me picture. Then my fear goes away. I just can’t explain it.”

I drove today so we do not have to wait on Liam. We climb in the Range Rover and make our way home. I pull in to see Louis’s car in the garage. We walk into the kitchen to Louis and Barbara joking around while they prepare dinner. Louis looks up and smiles he rushes over to Maura and grabs her in a huge hug. “Hello mum. When did you get in? Did you have a good flight?” I leave them to chat and walk over to the counter stealing a piece of tomato that Barbara is cutting for the taco’s they are preparing. She slaps my hand and laughs. “You need to wash up young man. No dirty hands in my kitchen.” I lean down and kiss her cheek. I feel Louis’s arms wrap around me “Hey those lips belong to me” he whispers seductively in my ear. I turn my head and peck his lips. “How was your day?” I ask him he lets go of me and goes back to helping Barbara while telling me all about his classes. Mum has gone to her bedroom to rest a little before dinner. Dinner is soon served and we are actually able to convince Barbara to stay and eat with us.

After the kitchen is cleaned up mum spends her evening on the phone discussing plans with Jay. She has the door to her bedroom closed so we cannot even eavesdrop. I am going over meeting notes for tomorrow and Louis is finishing up homework when mum announces that she is going to bed. We both give her a kiss on the cheek and go back to our projects. Louis soon finishes up and comes over to me. “Ready for bed babe?” he asks. I groan and tilt my head back rubbing my face with both hands. “Sorry baby I have probably another hour’s worth of work to do. I’ll come to bed as soon as I am done.” He leans over and brushes his lips against mine. He cups my cheek and smiles and says. “That’s o.k. you just finish up. I’ll read a bit and then go to bed. Love you.” He brushes my lips gently with his and walks to our bedroom. I sigh in contentment. I have the most amazing fiancée. He is always so understanding about my meetings and work that I have to do from home. He does not complain when I have conference calls. But even though I have a very hectic lifestyle I always make time for him. I make sure that when we are doing things together he is my soul focus. An hour and a half later I am finally done and make my way to our bedroom. I quietly enter and take a quick shower. After pulling on a clean pair of boxers I cannot help but look at the sleeping angel in my bed. He is cuddled up to my pillow pink lips slightly parted and soft snores escaping. I cannot help it. He is just so adorable. I pick up my phone taking a picture to show to him later. He will probably want to do me bodily harm when he sees it. I quietly chuckle at that thought and place my phone on the nightstand. I climb in bed and pull my pillow out of his arms settling beside him. He whimpers in his sleep reaching out and trying to find me. He figures out where I am and curls against my chest sighing  and throwing his leg over mine. I just love times like this. I just enjoy when he is curled up beside me peacefully sleeping in my arms. His face is so relaxed. I am so glad he is mine. My eyelids become heavy and I fall asleep holding him tightly against me.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now