Chapter 58

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Louis's point of view

Niall and I are getting ready to leave the reception and start our lives together as a married couple. I just can't believe how blessed I am right now. I am married to the man of my dreams. And he loves me just as deeply as I love him. Some people search all of their lives for their soul mate and some people never find theirs. I am one of the lucky ones I found mine. I have found someone who means more to me than my next breath. He is my everything. I look over at him and I cannot help but smile. He is hugging his parents' goodbye. I think they all have tears in their eyes. "Louis" I hear my mum call my name and I turn and look down at her. She smiles and hugs me tightly. "I love you." I whisper to her. She starts crying again and pulls me tighter to her. We hold our embrace for a few minutes and then pull apart. I then hug the twins and Fizzy. Lottie is looking at me with a happy expression. She pulls me into a massive hug. "I love you" she whispers in my ear before pulling away and winking at me. "Go get your man" she jokingly says causing both of us to laugh. I make my way toward Niall coming up behind him and wrapping my arms around him. He leans into my embrace and turns his head capturing my lips with his. "Let's go baby" I whisper in his ear causing him to shiver. He pecks my lips one more time and then he turns in my arms and grabs my hand. "Let's go husband" he says and I cannot help but giggle. He is all mine now. No one can ever take him away from me.

We make our way to the limo. Everyone is blowing bubbles at us as we walk past. I turn and wave one more time before we climb in. I cuddle up to his side and cannot help the smile of contentment that spreads across my face. He pulls me close and kisses the top of my head. I could just stay in his arms forever. The limo drops us off at the airport where his private jet is located. I look at him in confusion. "Niall I have not even packed my suitcase. You said we would do that after the reception. And that you would tell me where we are going so I would know what to pack. What am I supposed to wear?" He just looks at me and smiles. "I already have your bag packed. I could not let you do it. You might have been able to guess and I really want to surprise you." I roll my eyes at him and giggle pulling him close and kissing his lips. "You are always full of surprises. I love you so much." He looks at me lovingly and says softly "I love you more." He kisses me again and I shudder at the feelings that he is evoking. He pulls away with a glazed look in his eyes. He rests his forehead against mine and takes a couple of deep breaths. He sighs and whispers "Oh Mr. Tomlinson-Horan what you do to me." He pecks my lips again and pulls away and grabs my hand. He pulls me along and we enter his jet. The pilot and stewardess greet us as we come aboard. I don't think I will ever get used to this. I feel sorry for those who have to ride on commercial crowded airplanes. We settle in our seats. "How long is this flight?" He looks over at me and smiles. "Around nine hours Boo." Wow where are we going?

As soon as we are in the air I unbuckle and climb into his lap kissing him rather desperately. "Lou I want to wait until we get there. I want to make love to you for the first time as your husband on a big bed where I have room to explore your body for hours without interruption." He mumbles in between kisses. I sigh and slightly pull away from him. "I know I just find you hard to resist. You are just too sexy for your own good." I lean over and start to nibble on his sweet spot on his neck. He gasps and pulls me even closer. "Lou" he whispers desperately. I smirk and lean back so that I can gaze into his beautiful eyes. He smiles at me and pecks my lips. I cannot help the yawn that suddenly springs forth. He chuckles and reclines his seat pulling me into a more comfortable position. "Rest BooBear we will be there before you know it." I doze off cuddled into his chest listening to his steady heartbeat. I wake up a few hours later a little disoriented. I gaze down at a sleeping Niall and cannot help but brush my lips against his soft cheek. I pull myself away from him and make my way to the bathroom. After I finish up I quietly make my way toward a now awake Niall. He sleepily looks at his watch and says. "We will be landing in around three hours do you want to go back to sleep?" I shake my head no and set down beside him. "I am tired but I just don't think I can go back to sleep right now." He leans over and pecks me on the lips. "How about some tea baby" he asks. "That would be great" I reply with a smile. Niall goes off to tell the stewardess our request and she returns shortly with two steaming cups of tea. She also has warmed scones in case we would like to have one. I choose one and nibble on the corner while Niall settles down beside me. We finish our scones and tea and decide to cuddle and try to go back to sleep. We end up spending the rest of the flight cuddled together in each other's arms. We finally land and I am excited. I can finally see where we are going to be on our honeymoon.

We exit the plane and I see a sign that says "Welcome to Puerto Rico." I look over at Niall as our bags are being unloaded. "Is this my surprise?" I ask. He just chuckles and replies. "Not quite this is just a stopping place your surprise is not here." I look at him with confusion on my face. He smiles and hands me my bag. We make our way through customs and then enter a car that Niall has ordered for us. Where is he taking me? I soon find out as we exit the car and walk along a pier to a large yacht. We climb aboard and I can honestly say I am even more confused. But I trust Niall and just know that I am going to love the surprise he has for me. We go below deck to a comfortably furnished room to relax. I sit down on a couch and pat the spot beside me. He smirks and settles down pulling me into his lap. I rest my head on his shoulder relaxing into him. I soon find myself dozing off to the relaxing rhythm of the heart that now belongs to me. "Lou it's time to get up" I hear Niall softly say. I yawn and force myself into a sitting position on his lap. I stand and stretch my arms above my head. Niall stands and grabs my hand leading me to the door that will take us to the front of the yacht. "Close your eyes BooBear" he says. I smile closing my eyes tightly and allowing him to lead me. We both stop and he whispers in my ear. "You can open your eyes now baby." I slowly open them and gasp at my surroundings.

He has brought me to......

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now