Chapter 44

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This chapter is dedicates to Kitkat244. Thanks for following me. Love your profile.

Louis's point of view

I leave the living room laughing at all of the craziness that can only come from having that many family members and friends in one room. So much has changed since I met Niall. He has literally saved me from the darkness that was consuming my life. I sit my mug of cider on the counter and grab the mail the housekeeper has placed there. I notice I have a letter addressed to me and I open it curious to see who it is from. I grab my cider to sip on it as I read. I notice who it is from and all of the blood drains out of my face. My hand starts to shake and I drop the mug causing it to shatter at my feet. Why would he be writing me? How did he get my address? I can feel Niall behind me and he wraps his arms around me picking me up and carrying me free from the broken mug pieces littering the floor. I look over at him and notice the angry expression on his face. "Why would he write you? What gives him the right to think he can contact you after what he did to you?" I find that I cannot help myself I have to read it. I look down at the letter and it reads.

Dear Louis

I know I am the last person that you want to hear from right now. I just wanted you to know that I am sorry for everything that I have done to you. I know that you do not want to hear excuses as to why I did what I did but I feel like I need to explain myself. I was severely homophobic but I know that you already figured that out by now. When you told me you were gay it enraged me. I kicked you out because I had to get you out of the house before I hurt you. At some level I still loved you and did not want to physically injure you. After Christmas I started gambling. At first it was a little bit here and a little bit there. But then I became deeper and deeper in debt to this one guy. He started threatening me and then started to threaten you, your mum, and your sisters. I just had to pay him back before he harmed anyone. I know me taking the money that was meant for you each month was wrong and you do not know how much I regret it. I also want to apologize for all of the hateful things that I wrote you. I have been in intensive counseling and have now realized how wrong I was. I am actually starting to get over my homophobic tendencies. Even though you are living a lifestyle that I once did not approve of I should never have treated you like that. I also want to apologize for hurting you like I did. When I came home from my trip and saw you and Jay standing there and realized that I had been caught I just snapped. I blamed you for Jay telling me to leave and took it out on you. You don't know this but after I came to my senses and was being escorted out by the police I was appalled at what I had done to you. Just the hurt look on your face and the bruises around your neck made me cry all the way to the station. I just want you to know that you are the best son that anyone could have. You are so loving and smart. You always see the good in people. And you deeply love your family. I am so sorry I took that away from you. I am so sorry I made you doubt your worth. I am so sorry for everything that I have put you through. Jay and I are on speaking terms and I have been able to see the girls again. I do not know if we will ever get back together but if we do you and Niall are more than welcome at our house. I know I do not deserve to be called dad for the way I treated you but maybe we can be friends. I am really trying to learn to accept differences in others and can only hope that one day you forgive me. Just know I will always be proud of you and consider you my son and love you.


I look over at Niall in shock. He grabs the letter and quickly reads it confusion clouding his features. I think he is just as stunned as I am. Mum walks into the kitchen and Niall looks at her and tells her she needs to read the letter. She looks over at me and whispers. "I knew that he has been going to counseling. It was part of his probation. But he also agreed to go to extra counseling after those sessions were over with. He told me that he is really trying to change. At first I did not believe him but this letter lets me know that he is really trying. I am not saying that I will ever be able to trust him again. Or that I will ever get back with him again. But this makes me feel better when he comes and visits the girls." I look over at mum and quietly say "but how did he get my address?"

I suddenly notice Lottie standing behind mum with tears in her eyes. "Don't be mad at me Louis but I gave it to him. He has changed so much and he really wanted to talk to you. He cries when he talks to us about you and he always asks if we have heard from you every time we see him. But he knew with the restraining order he could not physically come near you. So he asked for your address to write you. He just wanted to try to make things right." She runs over to me and throws herself in my arms. "I'm not mad at you Lottie." I say as I rub her back and try to calm her down. Niall leaves my side to clean my broken mug pieces off of the floor. Lottie lets go of me and runs into mum's arms seeking comfort from her. I am in shock right now. The man I consider my father. The man who raised me as his own. The man who broke my heart into a million pieces now wants me to forgive him. What do I do? How should I feel? My thoughts and emotions are a mess right now. I think Niall can sense my inner turmoil. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me pulling me close.

"Just relax and take it one day at a time. You don't have to decide if you forgive him right now. Just know that I love you and that everyone in that room out there loves you. I will support you in any decision you make whether you want to allow him back in your life or never see him again. But just know this. If he comes around you and tries to lay a finger on you I will not hesitate to make his life a living hell. There will be no place on earth he can hide from me." I look at him and whisper "My hero" while smirking and fluttering my lashes at him. He laughs and turns me around in his arms and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck as he puts his hands on my hips. He deepens the kiss and we both find ourselves getting carried away forgetting our surroundings. Mum and Lottie decide to sneak out of the kitchen but we barely notice. He is mine and I am his and that is all I need right now.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now