Chapter 3

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 Thank you for reading my story. Comments and feedback would be appreciated.

 Louis’s point of view

Suddenly an idea pops into my head. I drop to the floor beside him and pull his head into my lap. “Just close your eyes.” I say soothingly as I rub his temples. His body is so tense. I stare into the bluest cerulean eyes I have ever seen. They could rival the sky in their intensity. He looks up at me and his eyes flutter closed.” Just breathe in and out. Keep your eyes closed. Imagine you are outside in a huge field. The sun is shining down on your face. You are lying in the grass looking up at the clouds. You are calm and relaxed. Imagine the shapes that the clouds make. The meadow is so calm and peaceful. The grass is so soft and green and lush. Beautiful flowers are all around you. You can hear a nearby brook. Just listen to the sound of my voice. Concentrate on what I am saying. Breathe in and out.” I can feel the tension start to leave him. His breathing is starting to become more regular. His eyelids start to flutter and I calmly say. “Don’t open your eyes. Just imagine the open field you are lying in. The meadow that you are in stretches out for miles.” His breathing is now regular and his face is starting to get some color back into it. I start humming a random song still massaging his temples. I can feel the tension leave his body. He is so relaxed now you would think he was asleep.

Suddenly the lights flicker on the lift starts to go up. I gently lay his head on the lift floor and stand. I lean over and pull him up. His legs start to buckle out from underneath him and he falls into my arms. I pick him up bridal style and hold him close. He nuzzles his face into my neck. I feel his hot breath on my neck and butterflies start to erupt in my stomach. I glance down at him and notice his eyes are still tightly closed. The lift doors open and I rush out of the elevator and almost knock down a man standing at the elevator door with a worried expression on his face. He has a muscular frame buzz cut and the biggest brown eyes I have ever seen. His expression turns into a scowl and he reaches for the man in my arms. “Let me take him from you.” He says softly as he tries to grab him. The man I am holding whimpers and grabs the front of my shirt trying his best to stay in my arms. The other man backs off and motions for me to follow him. We enter this large office and he signals me over to a corner where a large leather sofa is positioned next to a window. I try to lay him down but he will not let me go. Instead I decide to sit down and hold him in my lap. He sighs and snuggles closer to me.

The man who is with us kneels down and softly says “It’s o.k. you are not on the elevator any more. Just calm down and relax. You are in your office now. Just open your eyes.” I can tell by looking at him that he is very worried about the man sitting in my lap. He looks at me and says. “He has severe claustrophobia and is terrified of tight places. He is usually much worse when he has a panic attack. How did you get him to calm down? It usually takes hours for him to be this calm. Sometimes he even has to be sedated. Suddenly the man in my arms eyes flutter open and he looks up at me. A blush spreads across his face as he climbs out of my lap. He manages to sit on the couch beside me and smiles weakly at the man kneeling in front of us. “Hello Liam it’s alright I’m o.k. now.” he says shakily with this thick Irish accent.

Relief floods across the man I now know as Liam’s face.” I am so glad.” The man beside me lets out a deep sigh and runs his hand through his thick blonde hair. “Can you reschedule my appointments or divert them to Simon. I think I’ll be heading home in a bit.” “Sure thing Mr. Horan I will do that immediately.” He stands and rushes out of the room. I look at the man sitting next to me with a shocked expression. I did not know that the man I was trapped on the elevator with was Niall Horan. He looks at me with a small smile. I extend my hand towards him. “I did not get a chance to introduce myself earlier I am Louis Tomlinson. I came to interview Simon Cowell for a report that I need to complete for my Uni class.”

Niall grabs my hand and shakes it a blush spreading across his pale cheeks. “Thank you for what you did on the elevator. I am sorry you had to witness that.” I can tell he is really embarrassed and I want to try to reassure him. “It’s alright that is something that you could not help. I am happy I was there and able to help you.” I reply with a smile on my face hoping he will realize that I am not upset at him. After all it is not his fault the lift messed up. And claustrophobia is a medical condition. His reaction to being trapped is understandable. His blush deepens and he looks away from me. “I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. I would like to make it up to you. Would you have dinner with me later? I know we were on the elevator for a while and you missed your appointment with Simon. You can interview me instead.” Niall asked. “I would love to” I reply.

Boyfriend For Hire A Nouis AU Story By lovetoread9876Where stories live. Discover now